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NICOLA DAVIDE SELVAGGIO graduated in Architecture in 2009, discussing a thesis titled “The construction of the presaharian landscape – the Ksour and the Palmerie of the Draa Valley in Morocco” (supervisor: Prof. Arch. Carlo Moccia).
Since 2017, he is a PhD candidate (s.s.d. ICAR / 14) at the ICAR department of the Polytechnic of Bari, with a research thesis on “The architecture of risk-defence works as an opportunity to define places in the landscape”, included in the PON-RI National Operational Program For Research and Innovation 2014-2020 (supervisor: Prof. Arch. Francesco Defilippis).
His teaching activity as tutor and/or teaching assistant has been carried out continuously since 2010. He has collaborated in more tutor activities of the graduation course in architecture in Morocco, Puglia and teaching activities of the courses for several years of “Design Laboratory 2, 3 and 4” of the Master’s Degree Course in Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari (prof. Carlo Moccia, prof. Francesco Defilippis). He has collaborated in the teaching activities of the course of “Design Laboratory 1” in the Master’s Degree Course in Architecture of the of University of Naples “Federico II” _DiARCH – (Prof.ssa Marialaura Polignano). He has collaborated in the teaching activities of the courses of “Arquitectura Paesaje y Territorio APT 5” in the Master’s Degree Course in Architecture of the ETSA Siviglia, Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectonicos (prof. Thilo Gumbsh, prof. Antonio Barrionuevo).
1. Participation in Congresses, Symposiums, Conventions and Seminars
As invited/selected speaker, he took part in several national and international architecture congresses, symposiums, conventions and seminars, including “Territori Fragili, IFAU 2 nd International Forum on Architecture and Urbanism” (Pescara 2018); 4th ISUF “Reading Building Spaces. Cities in the making and future urban form” (Bari, 2018); “VII Forum ProArch, Imparare Architettura”(Polimi 2018);;“APT 5 La Ciudad-Territorio de Sevilla y la cultura hidrológica” (ETSA Sevilla 2019); VIII forum ProArch il Progetto di Architettura come intersezione di saperi (Napoli 2019)
2. Conferences and lectures at Italian and foreign universities
As academic researcher, he participated, co-organized conferences and held ex cathedra lectures, including: “Lectures – Rebuild the Urban Form”, Monopoli Castello di Carlo V, Sala d’Armi (Monopoli, Bari 2013); “Identità e Sicurezza – New paradigms for mitigating seismic risk in the Apennine city” (Poliba 2018); “Città e territori fragili. Ricerche in corso – Fragile cities and territories. Searches in progress” (Poliba 2019); Foro METAS Movilidad eficiente Territorial area de Sevilla (ETSA Sevilla-COAS Sevilla, 2019);
3. National and International Architecture Workshops
He co-organized and participated as tutor in several national and international architecture workshops, including: “ReBuild the Urban Form” Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) 2013/2014 (Monopoli 2013), 10°LId’A “Continuare un Mondo”, (Chiaromonte Gulfi, 2014), “Expo dopo Expo. Scuole di architettura italiane per Milano” (Milano, 2016); “Pol_IBA-Italo-Balkan Architecture” 2nd editions (Bari, 2018); “Antwerpen, Over the Ring” (Bruxelles-Aversa, 2018), “Visioni per Berlino City West” (Berlin, 2020).
4. Participation, organization and editing of national and international architecture exhibitions
He organized and curated some national and international architecture exhibitions or sections of exhibitions, including “Principi Attivi Camp”, Residential-productive settlements on the oil road, Fiera del Levante (Bari 2010); ”Architetti Italiani a confronto”_ Exibition Project, Castello Svevo di Bari (Bari 2010); ” Abitare la natura. Idee per una citta’ possibile”, Fondazione Museo Pino Pascali, (Polignano a Mare, Bari 2011); “Exibition Works – Rebuild the Urban Form”, Monopoli Castello di Carlo V, Sala d’Armi (Monopoli, Bari 2013); “Carlo occia, Tra le Torri”, Palazzo Gravina (Napoli, 2018) “Exibition Works foro METAS” project for Sevilla, at Collegio Official Arquitectos de Sevilla (Sevilla 2019).
With his projects or with projects elaborated in the academic context, he took part in several national and international architecture exhibitions, including: “Area ex Boschetti” design of a new urban park ( Padova 2015); “Osumi Island”, architectural project for the island of Osumi in the city of Berat (Albania 2015); Expo dopo Expo. Scuole di architettura italiane per Milano” (Milano, 2016); Evoked – Architectural Diptychs (Tirana, Albania 2016); ‟CITY NATURE” Antwerp between blue and green (Anversa, 2018).
As a member of local research units, he participated in some Department researches, funded by the Research Funds of Polytechnic University of Bari, including: “TERRE FRAGILI Architecture and engineering in contingency planning as opportunities for the sustainable development of resilient companies (PRIN 2018 coordinator Prof. F. Defilippis).
His project research, especially geared towards the issues of urban design, was conducted mainly through participation in architectural competitions. He is the collaborator of winning projects : “Area ex Boschetti” design of a new urban park (Padova 2015); “Antwerpen Linkeroever” (Aversa, 2018) ; He is the the collaborator of mentioned projects “Osumi Island”, architectural project for the island of Osumi in the city of Berat (Albania 2015) “In the shelter of the books” for the International Architectural Design Competition for the new Lorenteggio library, Milan, 2018). These projects are published in the catalogs of competitions and architectural exhibitions.
MARSON KORBI (Tirana, 1990) is an architect, PhD and researcher. His main interested is focused on architecture and design theory, tackled through the point of view of political theory and critical materialism. In his research, he usually tries to go outside the disciplinary cornices of architecture, for a better understanding of the creative process of the project. In his research, he tries to see architecture as a critical ideology, strongly related to the real context and everyday life, that needs constantly to be questioned and reinvented. He has a very careful position to the easy-going fetishism of formalism, of composition-for-the-sake-of-composition, and to the coercive boundaries dictated by disciplinary sectors. He has a very careful position to the obsessive rhetoric of tradition, heritage and the reactionary ‘return’ to the local—aspects that are arguably strongly embedded within contemporary populism. In his research, he tries to understand the relation between the rhetoric of innovation, architecture and the production of knowledge and labor within contemporary capitalism. His actual fields of interests are related to the question of domestic education (childhood education), mass-education (lifelong learning), and how these aspects had always had a tangible effect in the production of architecture forms and typologies globally, from the house to the university campus.
From August 2020 he is collaborating with Professor Roberto Gargiani (LTH3) at ENAC-EPFL, as a scientific collaborator and assistant for the course Superstudio.
In January 2020 he concluded a Pon-Ri Industrial-Innovative PhD thesis entitled New Forms of Dwelling Collective. Dwelling within and beyond the city of cognitive capitalism within the Consortium Doctoral School (Architecture: Innovation and Heritage), Politecnico di Bari and Roma Tre, XXXII Cycle. His PhD tutor was Professor Carlo Moccia and co-tutors were Professor Martino Tattara and Professor Pier Vittorio Aureli. In his PhD thesis, Korbi assumed as a specific subject the contemporary ‘knowledge worker’ and his ways of living, as a student, as a precarious worker, as a white-collar employer and as a freelance, by proposing a series of prototypes of collective dwellings for these different life/working/education conditions. His PhD thesis illustrates a short genealogy of the knowledge workers in relation to the collective dwelling history from the student’s life in Medieval University Colleges, and American Jeffersonian Campuses, to the white-collar worker of Residential Hotels in the 1910s-20s in Manhattan, to the generic worker (students/intellectual/factory-worker) during the Soviet Dom-Kommuna era in 1925-30, to today.
From January 2019, he is part of Collective Concrete—CNCRT, a group of 12 precarious architects based all around Europe exploring new forms of spaces and alternative forms of cooperation in today’s architecture precarious labor. Their design and theoretical work is strongly focused on the topic of collectivity, cooperation and on the design of spaces for alternative forms of communal organization of life, labor and production, against the rhetorical of co-working, against the architecture-office-model and towards a reinvention of architecture labor as a total-form-of-pleasure.
In 2018, he has collaborated with studio Dogma (Brussels) of Martino Tattara and Pier Vittorio Aureli in the research concluded with the publication of the book Loveless: The Minimum Dwelling and its Discontent, for the exhibition “Home Future” – London Design Museum (2018-19).
As a practitioner architect, he has worked in many projects in Albania. In 2016, he has collaborated with office SON-Group, Architecture and Engineering, based in Tirana. Korbi has been part of the project for the General Local Plan of Tirana. He has done an internship with IMK (Institute of Culture Monuments), for the Ministry of Culture Tirana, and has taken part in many exhibitions and publications in Albania.
He has participated in many Seminars and public speeches; he has also been invited to present his research at the École d’Architecture de Versailles (February 2020).
ANTONELLO FINO after graduating in Architecture with a thesis on The Palestra and the West Gymnasium of Kos at the Polythechnic University of Bari, in the same university in 2016 obtains a diploma at the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage whit a work on The ancient architecture of Agrigento.
In 2020 received his Ph.D. in “Architecture: Innovation and Heritage” (32th Cycle) offered in consortium by the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture Sciences of the Polythechnic University of Bari and by the Department of Architecture of the Università degli Studi ROMA TRE. He discusses a thesis in History of Ancient Architecture on Architectural decoration in Sicily, from the Archaic Age to Romanization (tutor: Prof. G. Rocco).
From 2019 is Subject Expert on History of Architecture at the Polythechnic University of Bari.
From 2010 supports teaching activity and coordinates graphic exercises during the annual course of History of Ancient Architecture by prof. G. Rocco at Master Degree Program in Architecture of Polytechnic University of Bari.
From 2018 held a course on the Introduction to the Study of Ancient Architecture at the Degree Program in Archeology of the University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza and at the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage of the University of Catania, where also held a course on Ancient Architecture at the Master Degree Program in Archaeology.
From 2020 is Adjunct Professor at the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the Polythechnic University of Bari, whit a course on Methods and Techniques of Historical-Architectural Research in archaeological field.
Since 2012, he worked as expert in ancient architecture at the Archaeological and Landscape Park of the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento (under UNESCO protection) in several excavation, restoration and enhancement sites.
In 2009, under the scientific supervision of prof. Antonino Di Vita, he worked at the enhancement project on the Severian Basilica of Leptis Magna.
In 2007-2008 he worked with the DISUM Department at the University of Foggia, under the scientific supervision of prof. Giulio Volpe, as expert in ancient architecture reconstruction at the Itinera project on the archaeological site of Faragola (Ascoli Satriano, FG).
1. Participation in Congresses, Symposiums, Conventions and Seminars
He took part as speaker at several national and international congress with the following speech: Byllis, Fortificazioni e paesaggio nella valle del fiume Vjosa (with. R. Belli, L. Caliò, Convegno Internazionale Fortificazioni e società nel Mediterraneo occidentale, Catania-Siracusa, 2019 14-16 February); Prime osservazioni sull’architettura del teatro di Agrigento (Agrigento e Milano. La ricerca archeologica in due città antiche, Milano 2018, October 12); Botteghe architettoniche itineranti (with G. Rocco, Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 2018, September 30); Il teatro di Agrigento: per uno studio dell’architettura (Giornate Gregoriane, Agrigento, 2017, November 30) Architettura e tecniche costruttive ad Agrigento tra età ellenistica e prima età romana (with M. Livadiotti, Agrigento, 2016, June 30); La piazza che non c’è. Fondali e quinte nelle strade romane (Theatroeideis, Bari, 2016, June 16-19); Il Santuario Ellenistico Romano di Agrigento. Lo scavo, l’inquadramento urbano, l’architettura (with L. Caliò, M. Livadiotti, Giornate Gregoriane, Agrigento, 2014, November 29-30); Il de-restauro dei monumenti antichi: scelte e riflessioni. Il caso della Palestra del Ginnasio Occidentale di Kos (with V. Santoro, Bressanone, 2014, 1-4 July); La fontana “arcaica” di Agrigento. Storia degli Studi e degli Scavi, inquadramento storico-tipologico (Giornate Gregoriane, Agrigento, 2012, November 23-24).
2. Research activity and archaeological mission
From 2008 is constantly involved on field research activity in Italy and Abroad. In Greece under the scientific supervision of G. Rocco and M. Livadiotti with the Polytechnic University of Bari, he works on the ancient sites of Kos, Rhodes (Town, Atabyros Mount, Ialysos), Kalymnos and Mytilini in Lesbos Island. In North Africa he worked in Tunisia, with the University of Macerata, in Altiburos in a mission on the roman theatre directed by Antonino di Vita on 2009 and from 2008 in Libya, in Leptis Magna on missions directed by G. Rocco for the Polytechnic of Bari. From 2012 he took part in research on ancient city of Agrigento, collaborating with the local administration of the Parco, and with several research groups such as that of Polytechnic of Bari (scientific responsible: G. Rocco, M. Livadiotti), University of Catania (scientific responsible: L. Caliò) and Freie Universität of Berlin (scientific responsible: M. Trümper). In 2017, he took part at the Polytechnic of Bari researches on the ancient sites of Byllis and Klos in Albania (scientific responsible: R. Belli, L. Caliò). From 2019 is involved on a Convention for the study and enhancement of the funerary monuments of the Roman city of Sarsina in agreement with the Polytechnic of Bari, the Emilia Romagna Museum Complex and the SABAP Ravenna, Forlì, Cesena, Rimini.
3. Scientific affiliations
Since 2018, as been selected as ordinary member of the Center for the History of Ancient Architecture (CSSAR).
4. Conferences Organization
Member of the scientific committee of the Study Day “The Architecture of the Monumental Complex of the Russian Church of Bari. The project by ALEKSEJ V. ŠČUSEV: History, construction, iconography, worship”, Bari 14 September 2019; Member of the Conference Staff and Co-Chairman of the 4th ISUFitaly Congress: READING BUILT SPACES. Cities in the making and future urban form, Bari 28-29 September 2018; Member of the technical-scientific committee and coordinator of the Poster session of the International Conference: “Theatroeideis. The image of the city, the city of images” held in Bari from 16 to 19 June 2016; Member of the technical-scientific committee of the International Conference Fortifications and Society in the Western Mediterranean held in Catania and Siracusa from 14-16 February 2019.
5. Editorial Activity
Member since the foundation, in 2011, of the editorial staff of the magazine Thiasos. Review of Archeology and Ancient Architecture (rated as a class A journal by Anvur) ed. Quasar (ISSN 2279-7297), directed by Enzo Lippolis and Giorgio Rocco. Member since 2017 of the Editorial Committee of the magazine “Bulletin of the Center of Studies for the History of Architecture” founded in 1943 (ISSN 2531-7903). Member since the foundation, in 2018, of the editorial staff of the magazine “QuAD. Quaderni di Architettura e Design “, ed. Quasar, (ISSN: 2611-4437), directed by Gian Paolo Consoli.
6. Scientific Publications
Since 2012 he is the author and co-author of over 30 scientific publications on the themes of ancient architecture.
RACHELE LOMURNO born in Acquaviva delle Fonti in 1991, enrolled, in September 2010, in the master’s degree in Architecture at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari. In February 2015, she obtained a scholarship for an Erasmus placement mobility at the “Nauta” architecture studio in Rotterdam. She graduated with full marks in Architecture in June 2016, discussing a thesis titled “Abandoned cities. Mani Peninsula” (supervisor: prof. arch. Francesco Defilippis) which constituted the beginning of a research work published in 2020 in the book “Il nuovo, l’antico, il luogo”. In 2016 she obtained a scholarship for an Erasmus placement mobility at the University of Brighton under the supervision of prof. ing. Pierfrancesco Cacciola. In 2017, she obtained a PhD in “Architecture: Knowledge and Innovation in the project for heritage” at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Polytechinc of Bari. The thesis, currently in progress, focuses on the issue of the project for the places of archaeology within the stratified city (tutor: prof. arch. Carlo Moccia, co-tutor: prof. arch. Miguel Angel de la Iglesia). In January 2017 she obtained the qualification to practice as architect. In January 2020 she begins a period of collaboration with the LABPAP, at the University of Valladolid, within the research doctoral program.
Her teaching activity as tutor and/or teaching assistant has been carried out continuously since 2016, participating in teaching courses belonging to the ICAR/14 SSD in the Architectural Design Studios of the Master Degree Program in Architecture and in the SSBAP of Polytechnic University of Bari. Currently she is a teaching assistant of the course “Theory of Architecture” (proff. Carlo Moccia, Antonio Nitti) at the master’s degree Program in Architecture of Polytechnic University of Bari.
1. Participation in Congresses, Symposiums, Conventions and Seminars
As invited/selected speaker, he took part in several national and international architecture congresses, symposiums, conventions and seminars, including: “5th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies” (Belgrade, 2018); “XXI Conferenza Nazionale SIU. Confini, Movimenti, Luoghi. Politiche e progetti per città e territori in transizione” (Florence, 2018); “4th ISUFItaly International Conference. Reading built spaces: cities in the making and future urban form” (September 2018), “VII Forum ProArch. Imparare Architettura: i laboratori di progettazione e le pratiche di insegnamento” (Milan, 2018), “VIII Forum ProArch. Il progetto di architettura come intersezione di saperi: per una nozione rinnovata di patrimonio” (Naples, 2019), “3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism, Modernisation and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities in Architecture, Urbanism, Cultural Heritage” (Tirana, 2019), VII Conferenza “I Borghi del Mediterraneo” (Cisternino 2019), “Ancient Jericho – Tell es-Sultan” (Helsinki 2019).
2. Conferences and lectures at Italian and foreign universities
As academic researcher, she participated, co-organized conferences and held ex cathedra lectures, including: “Taranto. La forma urbana e gli elementi primari” (Poliba, 2017); “Comporre con l’Antico. Progetti per Roma” (Poliba, 2018); “Facing the Mar Piccolo. Project. Project for the Ancient City” (Taranto, 2019); “La virtualità della rovina. Progetti per il Mausoleo di Augusto” (Poliba, 2019); “La virtualità della rovina. Progetti per i Fori Imperiali” (Poliba, 2020).
3. National and International Architecture Workshops
She co-organized and participated as tutor in several national and international architecture workshops, including: “Re-Think Latiano_ Progetti di rigenerazione del paesaggio urbano” (Latiano, 2017); “Pol_IBA-Italo-Balkan Architecture”, 2nd editions (Bari, 2018)”; “Project Over the Ring. International Summer School” (Brussles-Antwerp, 2018); “Taranto. Progetti per la città vecchia” (Bari 2019); “Capri e i Campi Flegrei. Dal Palazzo di Tiberio al Parco archeologico di Baia” (Napoli 2019).
4. Participation, organization and editing of national and international architecture exhibitions
She curated and participated to national and international architecture exhibitions or sections of exhibitions, including: Linazasoro & Sànchez. Architettura callada. Adecuaciòn del Castillo del Cerrillo de Los Moros” (Bari, 2018) (as curator); “Taranto. Progetti per la città antica. Mostra didattica del laboratorio 2 di Progettazione” I-II-III ed. (Bari, 2017-2018-2019) (as curator); “ri-RED” (Bari, 2020) (as partecipant); “NUDGE. L’architettura delle scelte” (online, 2020) (as partecipant).
With his projects or with projects elaborated in the academic context, she took part in national and international architecture exhibitions, including: “Caumme-Paumme” (Napoli, 2016); “Project Over the Ring. Interntional Summer School” (Brussles-Antwerp, 2018); “Borghi in mostra” (Cisternino, 2019).
As a member of local research units, she participated in some Department researches, funded by the Research Funds of Polytechnic University of Bari, including: “Archaeology as urban layer. A key to interpret and design Mediterranean archaeological cities.” (PRIN 2017, coordinator Prof. G. Rocco).
Her project research, especially geared towards the issues of urban design, was conducted mainly through participation in architectural competitions and through her activity as teaching assistant. Between the projects: “Re-inhabiting abandoned settlements of Mani”, in the EAM BDP – European Architectural Medals for the Best Diploma Projects (2016); “Onda 2020” in Competition for Bari waterfront (2017); “Beyond the Edge” in Europan 14 (2019); “Learning from the ruin” in Reuse The Roman Ruin – Piscina Mirabilis (2020). Some of these projects are published in catalogs of the competition and architectural exhibitions and in national
MICHELE MONTEMURRO graduated in Architecture in 1989 at IUAV of Venice.
He won a CNR scholarship in 1993 and become PhD in architectural and urban design in 2000.
From 2004 is professor in the Polytechnic of University Bari and teaches architectural and urban design.
He has developed and consolidated his scientific knowledge and design skills in the scientific disciplinary sector of architectural and urban composition (ICAR/14). From 2016 he qualified as Second Level University Professor, Competition Section 08 / D1-Architectural Design.
The cultural and methodological approach that characterizes its institutional academic activity has always sought to combine research and education, orienting them towards the themes and problems of the building, the city and the landscape, with particular reference to the geographical-cultural area of the Mediterranean, addressing theoretical issues within an interscalary dimension. This approach has favored the constant transfer of knowledge from research to teaching and the updating of its disciplinary contents with respect to contemporary problems. The didactic experience conducted at all levels of training was considered as an opportunity to verify, through experimentation, the validity of the hypotheses assumed in the research, according to a scientific approach, identifying the most appropriate methodologies with respect to the training objectives.
His theoretical reflection is oriented to the following related themes:
– relationship between “type” and architecture;
– relationship between “type” and form of the city;
– relationship between construction and architecture;
– relationship between city and “nature”;
– relationship between the “new” and the “ancient”.
Each of these themes is tackled and applied to the case studies and applications from time to time, as well as to the opportunities offered by teaching and research and design experimentation opportunities.
The concept of building type, as a logical structure of form, is taken as an interpretative, cognitive and conceptual category of architecture on all scales, from the building to the city.
At the scale of the building the research on the constitutive grammars of the architectural organism and its spaces, from the complex to the simple ones such as the single-family house, focuses on fundamental questions such as those that link the variations of the forms of architecture to those of of nature.
At the scale of the city, the concept of building type can assume, for example, a significant value in the definition of new forms of dwelling as well as in the foundation of “new” types corresponding to complex morphological themes that the contemporary city poses: density and form of emptiness, continuity and discontinuity, nature and urban space.
The relationship between architecture and construction has been for many years a distinctive theme of the “school” of Bari and a conceptual principle often at the base of research and teaching activities. It constitutes a fundamental but evolving line of research, with the constant aim of identifying a relationship of necessity and meaning between the technical form, to which is attributed an intrinsic “expressiveness”, and the architectural form, in relation to the character that it it must have and to that of the spaces it is called to define.
In this perspective, the choice of construction systems, techniques and materials, transversally investigated throughout the research, is mainly linked to this objective, always assuming an evolutionary and innovative posture with respect to the building traditions of the places.
The relationship between city and nature constitutes an important interpretative “key” with which one looks both at the city of the past (synchronic models) and at that of our time. It is investigated under a double aspect: on the one hand we assume the open and empty spaces of nature as places of relationship between elements or parts of cities, considering nature itself as a context of urban construction; on the other hand the role of catalysts of the urban form is attributed to the physical forms of geography.
n both aspects, considered complementary, nature assumes the value of a syntactic “structure”, that is, a structure capable of suggesting significant spatial and formal relationships.
The search for the forms of the city of our time, as well as the re-construction of the shape of the existing city (the “structured” one of the city of the past and the “unfinished” of the suburbs of the contemporary city), constitute the goal of these studies, who see in the renewed relationship with nature, with its empty spaces and with its physical forms, new opportunities for its re-foundation.
The relationship between the form of architecture and the shapes of the geographical elements of the territory with particular attention to the sense that the limit between city and nature in the internal and rocky territories, and between land and sea in the coastal territories, assumes from time to time, constitutes a field of research and formal experimentation at the scale of the territory and landscape that implies the knowledge of the field of architectural relations with its surroundings and the definition of the appropriate grammars able to guide the interventions of transformation / modification of the territory.
Finally, the relationship between the “new” and the “ancient”, central to the current debate on the issues of safeguarding and enhancing cultural heritage, is investigated from a design point of view that, while respecting the memory value of ruin ( from the archaeological to the industrial one), it does not renounce to measure itself with its evocative power, with the virtuality that its incompleteness and indeterminacy express and with its willingness to be of new architecture endowed with complete form.
In particular, the theme of construction/reconstruction in lands hit by disastrous natural events, the choice of “mending the wounds” of affected and interrupted cities, is based on the opportunity to transform provisional infrastructural and engineering interventions into architectural tools for building the city and its spaces, using memory as an active and proactive matter to reconstruct the immaterial aspects of reality starting from the physical and cultural rooting of its own territory.
The reflection on these themes – and on those that derive from them – is conducted with an approach based on the centrality of form in architecture, that is with a “morphological” approach aimed at recognizing or defining relationships of meaning that only the form knows how to construct and make posters.
The results of this reflection, which involves teaching activities, scientific research and design experimentation of the candidate, are documented in his numerous publications and disseminated through his participation in congresses, symposia, seminars and architecture workshops.
Some of these researches have then become the scientific basis for design activities applied to the territory (Kukes-Diber Plan, CoHen Project, Adrion, Interreg, IPA projects, etc.) that have produced experimental application results or that have seen the candidate as promoter or coordinator of international working groups.
From 2015 to 2018 he was a member of the academic senate; He was delegate of the rector for orientation incoming from 2015 to 2019; From 2017 he was delegate of the polytechnic of Bari in the regional council of ecomuseums.
The institutional teaching activity of the candidate has been carried out continuously since 2002, holding teaching courses belonging to the ICAR / 14 and ICAR / 15 SSDs within the Architectural Design Laboratories of the Master’s Degree in Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari, mainly oriented to architectural and urban design (I, II, III and IV years).
From the 2015/2016 academic year to the 2017-2018 academic year, the candidate also carried out supplementary teaching activities at the DICEM – Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures taking teaching courses belonging to the ICAR / 14 SSD, in the Laboratories of Architecture Genealogy (I year) coordinator prof. Angela Colonna, a.a. 2015/16 and 2016/17, and Representation of Architecture (II year), coordinator prof. Antonio Conte, a.a. 2017/18.
From the academic year 2018/19 he holds the course of Architectural and urban design in the CdLS in Building Systems of the dICATECH Department of the Polytechnic of Bari (II year) and in parallel holds the substitute of Architectural Composition 1 (6 cfu) in the Design Laboratory 1 of the CdLM in Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari.
His design research, focused above all on the themes of urban design, was conducted mainly through participation in architectural competitions. He is the author of winning projects (project for the widening of the House of Rest “Vittorio Emanuele II” in Trani, 1997; project for the rehabilitation of areas and streets of the old town of Rutigliano, 1998; Europan 8 – Palermo; National Competition of ideas for the urban regeneration of four churchyards in the old town of Sulmona) and mentioned projects (European Competition design for the redevelopment of via Sparano and the public spaces of the Murattiano borough). These projects are published in catalogs of the competition and architectural exhibitions and in national and international architectural magazines.
ANTONIO NITTI graduated in Architecture in 2010, discussing a thesis titled “The Curia of the Old Forum of Leptis Magna. Hypothesis of reconstruction, anastylosis project and area arrangement. ” (supervisor: Prof. Arch. Giorgio Rocco).
In 2015 he earned the title of PhD in Architecture, within the doctoral school in Engineering and Architeture of Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna – discussing a thesis titled “Le Havre. Forms and character of urban space in Auguste Perret’s project” (supervisor: Prof. Arch. Gino Malacarne).
In 2018, as research fellow, he developed the research “The re-construction of the form of the public city. Compositional and design strategies for the urban and architectural regeneration of public residential building districts” (tutor: Prof. Arch. Carlo Moccia).
Since 2019, as RTDa – Type A researcher, he is developing the research “Places of archeology in Mediterranean stratified city”, within the PON RI 2014-2020.
His teaching activity develops continuously since 2011 in courses belonging to the ICAR/14 SSD.
From the A.Y. 2011/2012 to the A.Y. 2015/2016 he has been Tutor at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, DA – Department of Architecture, Degree in Architecture, within the Architectural Design Studios (Prof. Arch. Gino Malacarne).
Since A.Y. 2015/2016 he is teaching, as Adjunct Professor and Appointed Professor, at Polytechnic of Bari, DICAR – Department of Civil Engineering Sciences and Architecture, Master Degree in Architecture, within the “Architectural Design” studios and course of “Theory of Architecture”.
In the A.Y. 2019/2020 he has been Appointed Professor at SCUDO – Doctoral School of Polytechnic of Bari for the coure of “Theories and methods of Design for the Antique”.
Since 2020 he is Honorary Fellow in the PhD course “Design for Heritage: Knowledge and Innovation”.
1. Participation in Congresses, Symposiums, Conventions and Seminars
As invited speaker, he took part in national architecture congresses, symposiums, conventions and seminars, including: “Parole a confronto: un lessico per la contemporaneità: città” (Bologna, 2014); “La composizione architettonica e urbana nei dottorati di ricerca” (Parma 2014); “Fernand Pouillon. Costruzione Città Paesaggio. Opere scelte 1948-1968” (Cesena 2019), “Rapp + Rapp. The European Skyscraper” (Napoli 2019); “Capri e i Campi Flegrei. Dal Palazzo di Tiberio al Parco archeologico di Baia” (Napoli 2019).
As selected speaker, he took part in national architecture congresses, symposiums, conventions and seminars, including: “2nd ICAUD. International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design” (Tirana 2014); “Living Together. 3° Edition of Inhabiting the Future”. (Napoli 2015); “Theatroeideis. L’immagine della città, la città delle immagini” (Bari 2016); “ISUF Italy 2018: Reading Building Spaces. Cities in the making and future urban form” (Bari 2018).
2. Conferences and lectures at Italian and foreign universities
As Invited Professor, he held ex cathedra lectures in foreign universities, including: “Auguste Perret in Le Havre. The urban form between geography and construction” (Tu Eindhoven 2018); “Fernand Pouillon in Paris. About tumult in the ensemble, unity in detail” (Tu Eindhoven 2018); “The boundary of the city. Projects for Matera” (Tu Eindhoven 2018); “The urban form between geography and construction. The projects by Auguste Perret for Le Havre and Fernand Pouillon for Marseille” (FH Potsdam 2018); “Fernand Pouillon’s Ordonnances” (FH Potsdam 2019).
3. National and International Architecture Workshops
He co-organized as member of the scientific board and participated as Tutor and Professor in several national and international architecture workshops, including: “Re_build the Urban Form. Urban Design International Workshop” (Monopoli 2013); “Presenze scultoree. Nel chiostro, nel recinto, nel parco” (Parma 2016); “Expo dopo Expo. Scuole di architettura italiane per Milano” (Milano, 2016); “Pol_IBA-Italo-Balkan Architecture”, 1st and 2nd editions (Bari, 2016, 2018); Re-Think Latiano_ Progetti di rigenerazione del paesaggio urbano (Latiano, 2017); “Capri e i Campi Flegrei. Dal Palazzo di Tiberio al Parco archeologico di Baia” (Napoli 2019).
4. Participation, organization and editing of national and international architecture exhibitions
He organized and curated some national and international architecture exhibitions or sections of exhibitions, including: “Rapp+Rapp. A European Skyscraper.” (Napoli-Bari, 2019).
With his projects or with projects elaborated in the academic context, he took part in several national and international architecture exhibitions, including: “Re_Build the Urban Form” (Monopoli 2013); “PA 2013” (Padova 2013); “Expo dopo Expo. Scuole di architettura italiane per Milano” (Milano, 2016).
As a member of local research units, he participated in some Department researches, funded by the Research Funds of Polytechnic University of Bari, including: “Innovative forms and techniques for contemporary living” (FRA 2016, coordinator Prof. Arch. Vitangelo Ardito); “Settlement models for the recovery of the abusive city and the coastal informal landscapes” (FRA 2019, coordinator Prof. Arch. Carlo Moccia).
As a member of interdepartmental and international research units, he participated to several excavations and archaeological survey missions. Among these, the “Study of Roman Theatre in Althiburos” (coordinator Proff. Antonino Di Vita, Giorgio Rocco, Nabil Kallala); “Study of Ninhaeum in Gortyna” (coordinator Prof. Enzo Lippolis); “Study of Severian Basilica in Leptis Magna” (coordinator Prof. Antonino Di Vita); “Study of Curia of Old Forum in Leptis Magna” (cooridnators Proff. Giorgio Rocco, Monica Livadiotti).
His project research, especially geared towards the issues of urban design, was conducted mainly through participation in architectural competitions. He was member of the design group or author of winning projects: “Antwerp Left Bank” (Antwerpen 2017); selected projects: “New Lorenteggio Library” (Milano 2018). These projects are published in catalogs of the competition and architectural exhibitions and in national and international architectural magazines.
FRANCESCO PAOLO PROTOMASTRO born in Bari in 1992, where he enrolled, in September 2010, in the Master’s Degree in Architecture at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari. In September 2014, he obtained a scholarship, lasting one year, for an Erasmus Studio mobility at the School of Architecture of the Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon. In May 2016 he obtained a scholarship, lasting four months, for an Erasmus placement mobility at the “Guarnieri Architects” architecture studio in London. He graduated in Architecture in June 2017, discussing a thesis titled “The basin of the Mar Piccolo as urban and landscape theatre” (relator: Prof. Arch. Carlo Moccia). In 2017 he obtained a scholarship for a PhD in “Architecture: Knowledge and Innovation in the project for heritage” at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Polytechinc of Bar. The thesis, currently in progress, is titled “Workplaces of the 20th century. Transformation and new uses” (relator: prof. N. Martinelli, co-relator: prof.ssa A. B. Menghini). In March 2018 he obtained the qualification to practice as architect. In May 2019 he begins a period of collaboration of six months with the institution Atelier Albania, at the AKPT of Tirana, as required by the research doctoral program.
His teaching activity as tutor and/or teaching assistant has been carried out continuously since 2017, participating in teaching courses belonging to the ICAR/14 SSD in the Architectural Design Studios of the Master Degree Program in Architecture of Polytechnic University of Bari. In June 2019 he has been promoter of the course “Research on industrial dismantled sites in Albania” in the Urban Design Program (prof. Besar Zifla) at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Polytechnic University of Tirana. In February 2020 he has been a teaching assistant of the PhD course at the DICEA Department of the University of Rome “Sapienza” (prof.ssa A. B. Menghini).
1. Participation in Congresses, Symposiums, Conventions and Seminars
As invited/selected speaker, he took part in several national and international architecture congresses, symposiums, conventions and seminars, including: “Chieti_LAB Progetto Urbano Sostenibile” (Pescara, 2014); “5th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies” (Belgrade, 2018); “XXI Conferenza Nazionale SIU. Confini, Movimenti, Luoghi. Politiche e progetti per città e territori in transizione” (Florence, 2018); “4th ISUFItaly International Conference. Reading built spaces: cities in the making and future urban form” (September 2018), “VII Forum ProArch. Imparare Architettura: i laboratori di progettazione e le pratiche di insegnamento” (Milan, 2018), “VIII Forum ProArch. Il progetto di architettura come intersezione di saperi: per una nozione rinnovata di patrimonio” (Naples, 2019), “3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism, Modernisation and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities in Architecture, Urbanism, Cultural Heritage” (Tirana, 2019), “1st Icona International Conference of Architecture, Creativity and Reality: the art of building future cities” (Rome, 2019).
2. Conferences and lectures at Italian and foreign universities
As academic researcher, he participated, co-organized conferences and held ex cathedra lectures, including: “The Golden Lane Estate of Chamberlin, Powell and Bon” (IST, 2015); “The reuse of working spaces” (Poliba, 2018); “A taxonomy of the de-industrialization” (Tirana, 2019); “The resilience of the areas of ancient industrialization” (Poliba-Sapienza, 2020); “The paradigm of the modern factory in Albert Kahn’s experience” (Poliba, 2020).
3. National and International Architecture Workshops
He co-organized and participated as tutor in several national and international architecture workshops, including: “Chieti_LAB. Workshop internazionale sul progetto urbano sostenibile” (Pescara, 2014); “Projeto Relampago” (Lisbon, 2015); “Pol_IBA-Italo-Balkan Architecture”, 2nd editions (Bari, 2018)”; “Project Over the Ring. Interntional Summer School” (Brussles-Antwerp, 2018).
4. Participation, organization and editing of national and international architecture exhibitions
He curated and participated to national and international architecture exhibitions or sections of exhibitions, including: “Craco, il borgo medievale” (Craco, 2016) (as curator); “II Biennale di Architettura di Pisa” (Pisa, 2017) (as partecipant); “NUDGE. L’architettura delle scelte” (online, 2020) (as partecipant); “Do.Co.Mo.Mo. 9 itinerari x 100 architetture del ‘900 in Basilicata e Puglia” (Apulia-Basilicata, 2019-2020) (as curator).
With his projects or with projects elaborated in the academic context, he took part in national and international architecture exhibitions, including: “Chieti_LAB. Workshop internazionale sul progetto urbano sostenibile” (Pescara, 2014); “Projeto Relampago” (Lisbon, 2015); “Project Over the Ring. Interntional Summer School” (Brussles-Antwerp, 2018).
As a member of local research units, he participated in some Department researches, funded by the Research Funds of Polytechnic University of Bari, including: “Archaeology as urban layer. A key to interpret and design Mediterranean archaeological cities.” (PRIN 2017, coordinator Prof. G. Rocco); “New dimensions of the contemporary city and forms of sustainable agriculture in peri-urban areas between city and countryside” (FRA 2019, coordinator Prof. N. Martinelli).
His project research, especially geared towards the issues of urban design, was conducted mainly through participation in architectural competitions. He is the author of the selected project: “Il bacino del Mar Piccolo come tetaro urbano-paesaggistico”, in II Biennale di Architettura di Pisa (2017); “The basin of the Mar Piccolo as urban and landscape theatre” in the EAM BDP – European Architectural Medals for the Best Diploma Projects (2017). These projects are published in catalogs of the competition and in national and international architectural mag
TIZIANO DE VENUTO, architect, licensed to practice the profession (2016).
Since 2017, he is a PhD candidate (s.s.d. ICAR / 14) at the ICAR department of the Polytechnic of Bari, with a monographic research thesis on Livio Vacchini (rel. Prof. Arch. Carlo Moccia).
He studied and graduated (2015) at the ICAR department of the same polytechnic, discussing a thesis (rel. Prof. Arch. Giorgio Rocco) on the study and the ‘museumization’ project of the monumental complex of the Triangular Forum of Pompeii; under the agreement stipulated between the dICAR and the Special Superintendence for Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia.
From 2013 to 2015, he participated as an architect in several missions for the study of ancient architecture, in the archaeological sites of Kos (Greece), Pompeii and Torre di Satriano; collaborating, in the latter, with the research group headed by prof. Massimo Osanna.
Since 2017, he has collaborated in the teaching activities of the courses of “Design Laboratory III”, “Design Laboratory IV”, and “Theory of Architecture” of the Master’s Degree Course in Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari (prof. Carlo Moccia).
In 2019, he won the Federico Maggia Architecture Prize with the project “Gravitazioni, di-stanze di pietra”.
In 2016, he obtained an honorable mention in the VI Edition of the International Architectural Restoration Award “Domus Restauro e Conservazione Fassa Bortolo” (Degree, Master, Doctorate and Specialization Thesis Division) with the project of his degree thesis.
He has participated, as a speaker, in several international conferences, including:
in 2018, in Madrid, the International conference on construction research | AEC 2018, Fundación Eduardo Torroja;
in 2019, in Madrid, the International FIB symposium on conceptual design of structures, Fundación Eduardo Torroja;
He has participated in numerous collective exhibitions of Architecture. In 2016, the exhibition 30 <30_ Salon des Refusès. Architectural Drawings made in Milan, at the Tulpenmanie gallery, for Fuorisalone 2016.
FRANCESCO DEFILIPPIS graduated in Architecture in 1993.
Thanks to postgraduate scholarships he carried out a research training first at ETSAB-Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (1994) and later at CNR-IRIS Bari (1995-96).
In 2000 he earned the title of PhD in Architectural Design at the University of Palermo (Cycle XI – 1996-99), discussing a thesis titled “Stone Architecture and Stereotomy” (Supervisor: Prof. C. D’Amato Guerrieri).
As a postdoctoral fellow he carried out a research activity at the dICAR Department of Polytechnic University of Bari (2001-2003).
Since 2004 he has been an Assistant Professor in “Architectural and Urban Design” at Polytechnic University of Bari.
In 2015 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification as an Associate University Professor in the Competition Sector 08/D1-Architectural Design.
Since 2018 he has been an Associate Professor in “Architectural and Urban Design” at Polytechnic University of Bari.
He is a member of the Teachers Board of the following PhD Courses: “Architecture: Innovation and Heritage”, Argonauti Consortium (Politecnico di Bari – Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Cycle XXXII (2016-19); “Knowledge and Innovation in the Project for Heritage” (Politecnico di Bari), Cycle XXXV (2019-2022).
From 2017 to 2018 he has been Deputy Coordinator of the Master Degree Program in Architecture.
Since 2017 he has been Coordinator of the School of Specialization in “Architectural and Landscape Heritage” – Curriculum “Landscape Analysis and Restoration” – of Polytechnic University of Bari.
His teaching activity has been carried out continuously since 2002, holding teaching courses belonging to the ICAR/14 and ICAR/15 SSD in the Architectural Design Studios of the Master Degree Program in Architecture of Polytechnic University of Bari.
Currently he is a professor of the following courses: “Architectural Design Studio 3” at the Master Degree Program in Architecture; “Themes and Methods of Contemporary Architectural Research” at the PhD Corse in “Knowledge and Innovation in the Project for Heritage” of Polytechnic University of Bari.
He has been Supervisor and Coordinator of the Academic Board of several Master Degree Workshops engaged on topics regarding the main research lines of dICAR Department. Some of the thesis produced by these workshops received important architectural awards and academic honors (“Domus International Award for Restoration and Preservation”, 2013; Premio Tesi di Laurea “Paesaggi, Architettura e Design Litici”, MARMOMACC Verona 2014; “XVII Premio di Laurea sull’Architettura Fortificata”, Istituto Italiano dei Castelli, 2014).
1. Guest Professor at foreign universities
In the context of mobility programs for teaching abroad he has been Guest Professor at the following foreign universities: University of Montenegro, Faculty of Architecture of Podgorica (2016; 2017; 2018; 2019); Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Arquitectura (2016); Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (2016; 2019); Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Faculty of Architecture (2017); University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Architecture (2017); EPOKA University_Tirana, Faculty of Architecture (2018); Universidad de Granada, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (2018); University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences (2019); Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura (2019); Universitat Politecnica de Madrid, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura (2019).
2. Participation in Congresses, Symposiums, Conventions and Seminars
As a Keynote Speaker or invited/selected speaker, he took part in several national and international architecture congresses, symposiums, conventions and seminars, including: “Landscapes of water. History, Innovation and Sustainable Design” (Monopoli, 2002); “The Second International Congress on Construction History” (Cambridge-UK, 2006); “The Venice Charter revisited: Modernism and Conservation in the post-war World” (Venezia, 2006); “Sperimentare modelli insediativi comunitari” (Modena, 2009); “Il progetto di architettura fra didattica e ricerca” (Bari, 2011); “Culture dell’abitare a confronto” (Napoli, 2014); “Lo sguardo di Antonello. Architettura e paesaggio nella città di Messina” (Messina, 2016); “Tratturi, beni comuni territoriali. Ricerche, idee, proposte dal mondo delle università e della ricerca” (Pescara, 2016); “La Città. Progetti Urbani” (Padova, 2017); “The Importance of Place” (Sarajevo, 2017); “I borghi più belli nell’area del Mediterraneo” (Cisternino, 2017); “Non solo al sisma la responsabilità dei crolli” (Bari, 2017).
3. Conferences and lectures at Italian and foreign universities
As invited professor, he held several conferences and ex cathedra lectures at Italian and foreign universities, including: “Relaciones entre las formas de la tierra y las formas de la arquitectura (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, 2014); “Il suono di antiche canzoni” (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, 2015); “The ‘reconstruction’ of the urban form. The case study of the abandoned ruined villages” (Departamento de Arquitectura de Coimbra, 2016); “Discontinuous polycentric city vs continuous sprawled city. The urban voids as a ‘resource’ for the form of contemporary city” (Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá, Ribeirão Preto-Brasil, 2016); “The re-construction of form of disused industrial areas. The case study of the Bay of Kotor” (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla, 2016); “New, old and place. A virtuous relationship for the ‘re-construction’ of urban form” (Faculty of Architecture of Sarajevo, 2017).
4. National and International Architecture Workshops
He organized and coordinated several national and international architecture workshops, including: “Re_Build the Urban Form” (Monopoli, 2013); “Re_Inhabiting Anavatos” (Istanbul – Frig Valley – Chios, 2014); “Pol_IBA-Italo-Balkan Architecture”, 1st and 2nd editions (Bari, 2016, 2018). As a member of the Scientific Board or coordinator of design teams, he took part in several national and international architecture workshops, including: “Ribeirão Preto Quadrilátero Central” (Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá, Ribeirão Preto-Brasil, 2016); “Grottaminarda. Una nuova centralità per il Borgo della Fratta” (Grottaminarda, 2017); “Re_Think Latiano” (Latiano, 2017).
5. Organization and editing of national and international architecture exhibitions
He organized and curated some national and international architecture exhibitions or sections of exhibitions, including: “Project South”, within the exhibition “Cities of Stone”, thematic section of 10.Mostra Internazionale di Architettura della Biennale di Venezia (Venezia, 2006); “Declinazioni architettoniche dell’esperienza insediativa comunitaria” (Modena, 2010); “Abitare la natura. Idee per una città possibile” (Polignano a Mare, 2011); “Architecture and the City in SE Europe” (Thessaloniki, 2012). With his projects or with projects elaborated in the academic context, he took part in several national and international architecture exhibitions, including: “Expo dopo Expo. Scuole di architettura italiane per Milano” (Milano, 2016); “PAUMME I_Projects of Architecture & Urbanism in the Mediterranean and the Middle East” (Napoli, 2016); “La città. Progetti urbani” (Padova, 2017).
As a member of research units of Polytechnic University of Bari, he took part in the following funded national researches: “The typological and constructive ‘reform’ of the Mediterranean house” (PRIN 1999, Scientific Coordinator Prof. C. D’Amato Guerrieri); “Typological and constructive update of the IACP housing. Testing of new settlement models for Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Lombardia, Puglia and Umbria” (PRIN 2004, Scientific Coordinator Prof. C. D’Amato Guerrieri); “Social housing and environment: ‘A’ class housing. Constructive and typological update of housing in Lombardy, Apulia and Umbria” (PRIN 2007, Scientific Coordinator Prof. C. D’Amato Guerrieri).
As a member of local research units, he participated in some Department researches, funded by the Research Funds of Polytechnic University of Bari, including: “The typological and constructive renovation of the Mediterranean inhabiting models: the one-family courtyard house in high density urban fabric” (FRA 2006, coordinator Prof. C. Moccia); “The basic settlement unit. Sustainable morphological paradigms for the reconstruction of urban form in the disused areas” (FRA 2012, coordinator Prof. C. Moccia).
Currently he is the Supervisor of the PhD thesis, funded by PON RI 2014-2020 – Innovative PhDs with industrial characterization, entitled “Inhabiting and building in an ancient country: Safety and Identity. Models and strategies for seismic risk prevention” (Cycle XXXII, PhD Course “Architecture: Innovation and Heritage”, Argonauti Consortium: Politecnico di Bari – Università degli Studi Roma Tre).
His project research, especially geared towards the issues of urban design, was conducted mainly through participation in architectural competitions. He is the author of winning projects (project for the widening of the House of Rest “Vittorio Emanuele II” in Trani, 1997; project for the rehabilitation of areas and streets of the old town of Rutigliano, 1998; Europan 8 – Palermo; National Competition of ideas for the urban regeneration of four churchyards in the old town of Sulmona) and mentioned projects (European Competition design for the redevelopment of via Sparano and the public spaces of the Murattiano borough). These projects are published in catalogs of the competition and architectural exhibitions and in national and international architectural magazines.
Among the realized works it is note the Noble Funeral Chapel in the Cemetery of Rutigliano (BA), published in the book “The Last House” (Ed. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 1999).
He is a member of the Scientific Committees of the international series “Città e paesaggi meridiani” (AION Edizioni, Firenze), “I Quaderni di EDA” (ARACNE Editrice, Roma) and “Ricerche in Composizione Urbana (LetteraVentidue Edizioni, Siracusa). Moreover, he is a member of the Editorial Board of AION, International Architecture Magazine (AION Edizioni, Firenze).
MARCO MANNINO was born in Milazzo, Messina on 16.10.1961. He graduated with merit from University of Reggio Calabria with a degree in Architecture in November 1986.
Since 1987 he has been carrying out a research and didactic activity in Architecture in the University of Reggio Calabria and in the Polytechnic of Bari.
In 1991 he receipt the two-year scholarship announced by the C.N.R. Since 1994 a researcher H10A (nowadays ICAR14) within the Department of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari. Since 2007 he has been an associate professor of Architectural Design at the Department of Architecture of the University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria. Since 2017 he has been qualified ASN as full professor.
Since 1997 up to 2002 he taught Architecture Design within the Polytechnic of Bari; since 2002 he has been transferred at the Department of Architecture of the University of Reggio Calabria, where he has been teaching Architecture Design and Architectural Research Theory.
Since 1999 he has been elected member of Teachers College of the Research doctorate, firstly in “Progettazione architettonica e paesistica per i Paesi del Mediterraneo” within the Polytechnic of Bari, since 2003 up to 2013 within the University of Reggio Calabria: “Il progetto dell’esistente e la città meridionale”; since 2014 within the University of Reggio Calabria is in the Doctorate College: “Architettura e Territorio”, in 2017 is in the Doctorate College: “Architettura. Innovazione e patrimonio” within Polytechnic of Bari associated with University of Roma Tre; since 2018 is in the Doctorate College: “Architettura e Costruzione” within the University of Rome La Sapienza.
In 2005 he coordinated and directed the University Master “Yacht Mind –Master Interior Naval Design”.
He has been supervisor of different thesis firstly within the Department of Architecture in the University of Reggio Calabria, then within the Department of Architecture in the Polytechnic of Bari, after that within the Department of Architecture of Reggio Calabria developing research on the processes of typological and constructive renewal; he has developed analytical study about urban and territorially shape, developing a research on “la città e il mare”, “case alte”, “la città-natura”. Moreover he has been supervision of thesis on design, with the creation of prototypes.
Main interests are oriented to theoretical and experimental aspects of architectural design (to the different dimensional scales: of the territory, of the city, of the building and of his construction, of Design).
On the relationship between architecture and construction (cfr. “Mies/Kahan. La Costruzione dell’Aula”, Bari 2002″ “La forma della costruzione”, Roma 2008; “Abitare/Costruire”, Reggio Calabria 2010; “La facies dell’edificio. Schermo vs Muro”, Roma 2011), on the relationship between architecture and nature (cfr. “abitare la natura”, Reggio Calabria 2005, “La solitudine del Monumento” Reggio Calabria 2010) and on the relationship between architecture and city (cfr. “Progettare il vuoto” , Reggio Calabria 2007; “Lo sguardo di Antonello. Architettura e paesaggio nella città di Messina”, Messina 2015; Marco Mannino “venti architetture per il XXI secolo” Messina 2017).
On design he has mostly investigated about the project for yachting (cfr. “Yacht MIND”, Reggio Calabria 2008; “Per un design sostenibile. Dalla forma aerodinamica – Streamlining – alla forma classica”, Udine 2009; “House yachts. Un nuovo/antico modo di abitare il mare”, Udine 2010).
He has been giving lectures and conferences in different institutional bodies including Lisbon and in Italy, Milan, Rome, Naples, Bari, Syracuse. In 2000, he was invited to exhibit his work at the Biennial of Young Artists in Europe and the Mediterranean, at the Jericho exhibition (selection of 60 young generation architects in Italy); in 2005 for the exhibition organized by the Triennale of Milan, and curated by Antonio Piva: “Architetti Italiani under 50”. In 2005 he was invited professor at the 4th Laboratorio internazionale di architettura (LId’A), held in S. Giovanni in Fiore, coordinating the group of doctoral students of the Scuola of Reggio. In 2010 he was invited professor at the international “Intersection” design workshop held in Catania. In 2013 he was invited to the research “VIARTIS. Sulle rotte Mediterranee. Sette cantieri d’arte contemporanea. Le opere dei cantieri Creativi”. On this occasion he developed a small pavilion (built) in Ecolandia-Scilla. In 2014 he was invited as professor-designer to the 10th International Architecture Laboratory in Chiaramonte Gulfi in Sicily. In 2016 he was invited to MantovArchitettura to the house of Mantegna to attend the meeting “Per una Scuola di Architettura”. In 2018 he was invited to Padua to the 3rd international architecture convention/exhibition, with the presence of Italian and German architects, “La città. Progetti urbani”. In 2018 he was invited to speak at the Lisbon international seminar “Arquitetura Citade Paysage. Lugares do Projeto”.
Since 2003 up to 2011 moreover he has committed to developing a specific research and design activity about yachting design. In this specific sector he was invited in 2006 and in 2008, to the international “Seamed” conferences organized by the Department of Engineering of the University of Messina; in 2009 and in 2010, at the “Venice Convention” organized by the Department of Engineering of the University of Trieste.
He has participated in different researches of University, CNR and MIUR addressing the issues of “construction” and “housing models”.
The projects drawn up for architectural competitions include: – the winning project of the competition announced by the Municipality of Messina for the construction of a gym for 1100 seats in Messina as part of the program of the “Universiadi ’97 in Sicilia”; the winning project of the competition for the arrangement and furnishing of Piazza Duomo in Messina; the winning project of the competition for the restructuring of the “Ex teatro in Fiera” a Messina; the winning project for the historic center of Rutigliano; the winning project for the redevelopment of some churches in the historic center of Sulmona.
His projects have been exhibited in numerous architecture exhibitions including: “La città. Progetti urbani” at the international conference of Padua 2018; “Italian architects under 50” on the selection of the Triennale of Milan (2005); “Frammenti di Architettura” by Pierluigi Nicolin, Salerno 2005; “Disegni di Architettura italiana dal dopoguerra ad oggi”, Scuderie Medicee of Poggio a Caiano (2002); “Piccole Case”, Lecce, Reggio Calabria, Bari (2002/3); “Gerico”, Biennale of Rome (1999), in the context of the same event the project materials were exhibited in Prague and Stockholm; “Meeting Internazionale architetti in Sicilia 97”, Caltagirone (1997). His projects are published in magazines and books of the sector and on exhibition catalogs.
In the activity of design experimentation, an extension of the more general research activity with the objective of verifying those hypotheses in the “living body” of architecture and design, we highlight the following achievements. Since 1986 up to 1989 realization of interior fittings, including the “Aliotta” stores in Messina. In 1986, he built a house in the Casabianca in Messina and, in 1988, renovated an “ex palmento” in Sperone (Messina), assigning it to residential use. In Messina he realizes various residential interventions: in 1991 a building of eighteen apartments in via Bergamo; in 1995 a building of six lodgings in via Industriale; in 1997 a building of eight dwellings in the village of Mili Marina, in 1998 a gym for 1100 seats still in Messina, in 2000 Casa Crescenti in Messina, in 2002 a building of six lodgings in S. Michele-Messina, in 2003 the exhibition pavilion Aicon at the Fiera of Genoa. Since 2003 up to 2011 he is also involved in the design and realization of the prototypes of different craft for yacthing. Since 2008, the new theatre in the Ex Cittadella Fieristica of Messina is being designed and built.
1961 born in Milazzo (ME) on 16th October
1986 graduated with merit from University of Reggio Calabria with a degree in Architecture
1986 qualified for professional practice of architect
2006 Associate Professor of Design and Urban Project, SSD ICAR 14 within the Department of Architecture in the University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria.
2017 since 5th december 2017 he is qualificated -ASN. sector 8D1- for teaching as full professor
1991 Winner of the two-year scholarship announced by the C.N.R., used in the biennium 1991-93 within the Departent of Architecture of Reggio C.
1993 Researcher H10A, nowadaya ICAR 14 within the Department of Architecture of the Politecnico of Bari
2006 Associate Professor of Design and Urban Project, SSD ICAR 14 within the Department of Architectuer in the University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria.
1994 Elected representative of the researchers (1994/96 biennium) within the CdI of the Department of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari
1999 (up to 2002) Member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in Architectural Design for Mediterranean countries set up within the Department of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari.
1999 Elected member of the examining committee of the competition announced on the G.U. 25, 4th Special Series for a position as university researcher at the University of Reggio Calabria, Department of Architecture – scientific sector H10A pursuant to D.R. n.273 of 27.07.1999.
2002 Professor in the Department of Architecture of the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria, in the Department of Arte, Scienza e Tecnica del Costruire – DASTEC.
2002 Member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in Architectural Design “il progetto dell’esistente e la città meridionale” established at the Department of Architecture within the University of Reggio Calabria.
2002 (until 2015) Member of the Faculty Board of the Doctoral Program in Architectural Design “il progetto dell’esistente e la città meridionale” – with functions of secretary (until 2005) established at the Department of Architecture within the University of Reggio Calabria.
2002 Elected member of the examining committee of the competition announced on the G.U. n.79 dated 04.10.2002, 4th Special Series for a position as university researcher at the Polytechnic of Bari, Department of Architecture – ICAR 14 scientific sector pursuant to D.R. n.499 of 09.25.2002
2005 Member of the Culture Commission at the DASTEC, Department of Arte, Scienza e Tecnica del Costruire within the Department of Architecture of the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria (until 2008).
2003 Member of the scientific and organizational committee of the 2nd LId’A – Laboratorio internazionale d’architettura organized by the Doctorate of Architectural and Urban Design of Reggio Calabria, coordinated by Laura Thermes: “Il progetto dell’esistente. Paesaggi urbani e paesaggio costiero in Calabria. Ripensare Vibo Valentia”.
2005 Member of the Examination Committee of the competition announced for admission to the PhD Program in Architectural Design, il progetto dell’esistente e la città meridional established at the Department of Architecture within the University of Reggio Calabria (XXII cycle).
2006 Member of the ” Osservatorio della Didattica ” within the Department of Architecture of the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria.
2006 Scientific director (with Giuseppe Arcidiacono) of the first level Master of new activation Yachts Mind – Master of Interiors naval design within University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria
2008 Member of the Examination Committee of the competition announced for admission to the Research Doctorate Course in ” Progettazione Architettonica per i paesi del Mediterraneo ” established at the Department of Architecture within the Polytechnic of Bari (XXIV cycle).
2009 Member of the Examining Commission for the selection for the award of a research collaboration grant (S.S.D. ICAR14) established within the Department of Architecture of the University of Reggio Calabria.
2011 Appointed for the Department of Architecture of Reggio Calabria (with prof. G. Brandolino), to promote the national initiative called “Mille e una vela”.
2012 Member of the Competition Commission about the design of a device that uses energy production technologies based on photovoltaic materials obtained from organic materials announced by Fondazione di Comunità di Messina, in collaboration with Fondazione Horcynus Orca, with the University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria and with the Institute of Physical-Chemical Processes of the CNR
Messina, Forte Petrazza, June 2012
2012 Appointed President for the year 2012 (1st session June, 2nd session November) of the Selection Committee for the state exams for qualification to practice the profession of Architetto, Pianificatore, Paesaggista e Conservatore (sections A and B)
2013 Appointed in the darTe (Department of Architecture and Territory) member of the Commission for the “Trasferimento Tecnologico e Spin Off”
2013 Appointed in the dArt (Department of Architecture and Territory) member of the Commission for the regulation of the Department.
2013 Appointed in the darTe (Department of Architecture and Territory), member of the “Commissione Paritetica”
2013 Appointed in the darTe (Department of Architecture and Territory), scientific director of the “Laboratorio Cognitivo”within the PON project program: Building Future Lab.”
2014 Member of the Examining Commission of the competition announced for admission to the PhD Program in “Architettura, Arti e Pianificazione”established at the University of Palermo (XXXI cycle).
2016 Director of the editorial series ” architettura e paesaggio della città meridiana ” AION.
2016 Member of the Department College of the Doctoral Research Doctorate Architettura. Innovazione e patrimonio established within the Polytechnic of Bari associeted with the University of Roma Tre.
2017 Evaluator of 2 PhD theses in in Architettura, arti e Pianificazione of the University of Palermo. The theses are: “Lo spazio collettivo nei contesti spontanei dell’abitare. La rigenerazione urbana e sociale di Bogotà e Medellin” (tutor Andrea Sciascia) and “Paesaggi minerari in Sicilia: da residuo a risorsa. Strategie e preogetto di recupero per il parco Floristella-Grottacalda” (tutor Emanuele Palazzotto)
2018 Referee for magazine AION – (class A)
2018 Achievement of national scientific qualification as full professor Icar14
1989 Visiting professor to the summer project seminar Il progetto di architettura, il luogo e lo spazio pubblico”organized by Centro Culturale Progetto Nuovo di Avezzano (scientific director prof. Arch. P. Culotta)
1990 Visiting professor to the summer project seminar: La città al limite (Sulmona), organized by Centro Culturale Progetto Nuovo di Avezzano (responsabile scientifico prof. arch. P. Culotta)
1994 Visiting professor at the I Summer School “Architettura di Pietra, Conoscenza ed esperienza” Otranto (scientific director Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato)
1995 Visiting Professor at the II Summer School “Architettura di Pietra, Conoscenza ed esperienza” Otranto (scientific director Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato)
1999 Visiting Professor at the 1st Laboratory “Molfetta. Ascolto il tuo cuore, città””, dedicated to the architectural and urban renewal of Molfetta.
1999/02 Member of the Academic College of the “Research Doctorate in” Progettazione architettonica per i Paesi del Mediterraneo” within Department of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari
1997/02 Professor of Architectural Design in the Architectural Design Laboratory 3 within the Department of Architecture of Bari
2002/08 Professor of Architectural Composition in the Laboratory of Architecture and City Design within the Department of Architecture of Reggio Calabria
2004 Professor at the 3rd LId’A – Laboratorio internazionale d’architettura in Cutro (Crotone), organized by the Doctorate of Architectural and Urban Design of Reggio Calabria, coordinated by Laura Thermes
2005 Professor at the 4th LId’A – Laboratorio internazionale d’architettura in S. Giovanni in Fiore, organized by the Doctorate of Architectural and Urban Design of Reggio Calabria, coordinated by Laura Thermes
2005 Scientific Director and Professor of the first level Master of new activation Yachts Mind – Master Interiors naval design
2008/09 Professor of Architectural Composition 2 in the Architectural Design Laboratory 2
2009/10 Professor of Architectural Design 1 in the Architectural Design 3 Laboratory
2009/10 Professor of Architectural and Urban Composition in the Final Synthesis Laboratory in Restoration
2010 Visiting Professor at the “Intersection” International Urban Design Workshop, Catania
2010/11 Professor of Architectural and Urban Composition in the Final Synthesis Laboratory in Architecture
2010/12 Professor of Architectural Research Theory
2011 Member of the College of Teachers of the Laboratory of Architectural Design “Architettura incisa. Paesaggi frontali”
2012/15 Professor of Architectural Design in the Architectural Design Laboratory 4
2013 Professor invited to the program programma “Viartis. Sulle rotte mediterranee” -Sette cantieri d’arte contemporanea – working with artists and musicians on the design of two installations in Scilla and Ecolandia (Arghillà).
2014 Visiting Professor at the International Workshop “La città scavata, paesaggio di patrimoni tra tradizione e innovazione”, Matera.
2014 Invited professor at the 10th International Architecture Laboratory (LId’A): “The existing project and the restoration of the landscape. Chiaramonte Gulfi: continuing a world”. Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG).
2015 Invited professor at the XXV International Seminar of Camerino “Città in trasformazione”.
2016/17 Professor of Architectural Design in the Architectural Design Laboratory 5
2016/17 Contract professor within the Polytechnic of Bari of Architectural Design in the Architectural Design Laboratory 3 (6 CFU)
2017/18 Professor of Architectural Design in the 4 Architectural Design Laboratory
2018 Professor invited to the seminar “Lo sguardo dell’artista” organized by the SDS architecture school of Syracuse
2018 Professor invited to the international conference of Padua “La città. progetti urbani”.
2018 Professor invited to the Lisbon International Seminar Arquitetura Citade Paysage. Lugares do Projeto.
2018/19 Professor of Architectural Design in Architectural Composition I and II courses
1995 Winner of the competition for a gym for 1100 seats in Messina in the program for the Universiadi in Sicilia
1996 Special Mention for the Competition Europan 4 for the area of Nesima superiore in Catania
1997 Special mention in the Design Competition for the “Nuova Casa di Riposo V. Emanuele a Trani”
1998 Winner of the competition for the redevelopment of the historic center of Rutigliano (BA)
1999 Selected for the Biennale dei giovani artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo Rome, Mattatoio, Piazza O. Giustiniani, 29 May – 30 June 1999
2001 Special Mention for the Competition Europan 6 Inter – città, dinamiche architettoniche e nuove urbanità in Quarrata (FI)
2002 Winner of the Second Prize at the International Competition of Ideas for ” Il Lungomare Trieste a Lignano Sabbiadoro”
2003 Winner of the First Prize at the International Competition of Ideas for “Piazza Duomo a Messina”
2005 Selected for the exhibition organized by Triennale di Milano: “Architetti Italiani under 50”, Palazzo dell’arte, Milano
2007 Winner of the second prize for the preliminary competition for the restoration of the entrance portal of the central pavilion and of the exhibition pavilion in the quartiere fieristico di Messina
2007 Winner of the competition for the architectural redevelopment of 4 churchyards for the historic center of Sulmona
2008 Winner of the Competition for the architectural redevelopment of the Teatro in Fiera di Messina
2017 Winner of the ” Premio d’Architettura ” established by the Order of Architects of Messina for the best editorial proposal that illustrates the design and research activity
Nation Researches:
1988 Participation (as external collaborator) in the research on ” Ferrovia e città “, Director: Prof. Arch. Francesco Cellini, Head of Local Operational Unit: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
1988 Participation (as an external collaborator) in the research on “Tecniche tradizionali del costruire nella architettura italiana”, Director: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
1995 Participation in the CNR research on ” Il recupero dei centri storici delle città costiere nella relazione con i porti e le attività delle marinerie: aree foce Ofanto-Molfetta “, Director: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
1996 Participation in CNR research on ” Tipologie costruttive nei Campi Flegrei “, Responsible: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
1996 Participation in the National Research Project MURST ” Architettura e Costruzione “, National Coord.: Prof. F. Cellini, Director of Operational Unit: Prof. C. D’amato Guerrieri.
1996 Participation in the CNR Research ” Architettura e Costruzione “, Director: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
1997 Participation in CNR Research ” I luoghi irrisolti della città: gli spazi dell’archeologia e le trasformazioni urbane “, Director: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
1997 Participation in the CNR Research ” Caratteri della moderna architettura in pietra “, Director: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
1998 Participation in CNR Research ” Ambiente e territorio – sistemi naturali”, sub-project La città del Mediterraneo, Director: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
2001 Participation in the research on ” La riforma tipologica e costruttiva della casa mediterranea “, a scientific research program of significant national interest, co-financed by the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica. Director: Prof. Arch. C. D’Amato
Researches financed by University Funds:
2001-3 “Le forme contemporanee dell’architettura domestica in pietra”.
2007 “Il nuovo fronte a mare di Messina in relazione al Ponte sullo Stretto”
2015-18 Participation in the PON research” Energy Lab “for the prototyping of a floating wind turbine.
1986 Exhibition (organisation and participation): “Programma di trasformazione urbana a Messina. Il caso della Fiera: storia e progetti”, Messina
1995 Exhibition: Esposizione monografica del progetto di una “palestra per 1100 posti”, a cura del Comune di Messina
1996 E Exhibition: “Città sulla città”, Concorsi europei per nuove architetture EUROPAN, esponendo il progetto di residenze sperimentali per l’area di Nesima a Catania, Roma
1997 Exhibition: “Architetti in Sicilia ’97”, Comitato scientifico: A. Angelillo, P. Culotta, G. DeCarlo, A. Scozzarella, Caltagirone
1997 Exhibition: “Architetture al vento”, esponendo il progetto per la Casa di Riposo a Trani, Capo Peloro, Capannoni ex Seafligth, Messina
1997. Seminar: “Maestri, luoghi, memorie; appunti di un apprendistato architettonico. Progetti recenti, lavori in corso”, Department of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Bari
1998. Seminar: “Architettura e Costruzione”, Bari, Great Hall of the Politecnico
1998. Seminario: “Architettura e ruolo dello spazio pubblico nella città meridiana” al Meeting di Progettazione Architettonica “Porta Aranci” , promosso da: Ministero dei Beni Culturali, Ordine degli Ingegneri di Catania, Ordine degli Architetti di Catania Scordia (CT).
1998 Exhibition (organisation and participation): “Idea – Costruzione”, esponendo una struttura realizzata in legno lamellare, Bari, Fiera del Levante
1998 Exhibition: “Progettare con la pietra”, esponendo il progetto per la casa di Riposo per anziani a Trani, Veronafiere
1999 Exhibition: “Gerico” nell’ambito della “Biennale dei giovani artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo, Roma, area mattatoio
2000 Exybition: itinerante a Praga e Stoccolma, “sessanta architetti della nuova generazione (venti del nord, venti del centro, venti del sud)” esponendo il progetto per l’area di capo Peloro
2000 Conference: “La casa mediterranea. Gli spazi dell’aria e della luce” within the Department of Architecture of the University of Reggio Calabria
2000 Exhibition: “Ragionamenti tettonici”, conference of Prof. R. Masiero about Architettura e costruzione e una mostra di modelli di studio su nodi strutturali e tettonici di architetture esemplari, Bari
2000. Congress: al Seventh IASTE Conference -The end of TRADITION?, with the speech: Research of the contemporaneous forms the stone architecture. Materiality amd abstraction, Trani (BA)
2001 Conference: “Kahn, tre case” , within the Department of Architecture of Syracuse
2001 Conference: “Appunti di viaggio, croquis de voyage, skizzenbuch. Luoghi e architetture reinterpretate attraverso il disegno”, Department of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Bari
2001 Exhibition: “Europan e Quarrata. Dal progetto alla realizzazione”, Quarrata, casa della cultura
2002. Conference: “Architettura e Costruzione” in the doctorate of architectural design the ex the existing project and the southern city of the Department of Architecture of Reggio
2002 Conference: “Ragionamenti tettonici”, established by doctorate in architectural composition (XVII and XVIII cycles) of the University of Catania, Department of Architecture in Syracuse, Church of the Knights of Malta.
2002 Exhibition: “20 anni di Architettura italiana”, architectural draws of the Galleria AAM diretta da F. Moschini, Poggio a Caiano, Scuderie Medicee
2002/03 Exhibition: “PICCOLE CASE” progetti e realizzazioni di ABDR, Marco Mannino, Bruno Messina, Carlo Moccia, Lecce, ex Convento di S. Anna, Bari, Castello Svevo, Reggio Calabria, Facoltà di Architettura
2003 Seminar: “Piccole Case”, Relatori: invitati C. D’Amato, F. Meschini, G. Strappa, G. Sinisi, Bari, Castello Svevo
2003 Seminar: “Infrastrutture e paesaggi contemporanei “, Lecturers: Serena Maffioletti, Laura Thermes, Franco Cardullo, Vincenzo Melluso, Gianfranco Neri, Adolfo Santini, Reggio Calabria, Aula magna Facoltà di Architettura
2003 Seminar: “Piccole Case”, Lecturers: Laura Thermes, Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Ugo Cantone, Giovanni Leoni, Gianfranco Neri, Reggio Calabria, Aula magna Facoltà di Architettura
2003 Seminar: “Forme e ombre. Dove va l’architettura”, Reggio Calabria, Aula magna
2003 Conference: “Estemporanea. Incontri di Architettura”,con L. Prestinenza Puglisi, Reggio Calabria, Aula magna
2004 Conference: “Tokio-to. Architettura e città” con Livio Sacchi, Reggio Calabria, Aula magna
2005 Exhibition: “Progetti vincitori Concorso di Piazza Duomo”, Teatro Vittorio Emanuele, Messina
2005 Exhibition: selected by Triennale di Milano for the exhibition of “Architetti Italiani under 50”, Palazzo dell’arte, Milano
2006 Conference : “Paolo Giandebiaggi. Marco Mannino. Idee e metodologie a confronto”, Reggio Calabria
2006 Conference: “SEAMED” established by Department of Engineering of Messina
2007 Conference: Presents, at the Pala-Congresses of Cannes (France), the project of the prototype of the Aicon 75 fly boats, intervening with the report “Progetto e Costruzione: la forma del movimento “, Palazzo dei Congressi, Cannes
2007 Meeting: “Design e finanza”, established by Rotary di Messina, Hotel Royal
2007 Meeting: “Città antica – Progetto contemporaneo” established by Municipality of Sulmona on the recovery of the area of the churchyards of the historic center, Sulmona, Santachiara museum complex
2007 Meeting: “Didattica e Ricerca nella scuola italiana” established by prof. Gianfranco Neri, interviene su: “tecniche di trasmissione del sapere nella disciplina architettonica” Reggio Calabria, Department of Architecture
2007. Meeting: “Città di pietra nella mediterranea” Participate in the conference organized by prof. F. Cardullo and prof. A. Monaco, intervenes on: “Complessi monumentali in terra di Puglia. Progettare il vuoto”, Reggio Calabria, department of architecture
2007 Seminar: “Un incontro Mediterraneo. Il DASTEC di Reggio Calabria visita i cantieri navali Aicon”, Giammoro (ME)
2007 Exhibition: “Quattro sagrati per la città storica di Sulmona”, established by Comune di Sulmona, Sulmona, Polo museale di Santachiara
2007 Exhibition: “Città di pietra nella mediterranea” about project of the Scuola di Reggio Calabria in occasion of 10. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia, Reggio Calabria, Departent of Architecture
2007 Meeting: “LUOGHI, NON LUOGHI, SUPER LUOGHI”, Speech with: “Progettare il vuoto”, Reggio Calabria, facoltà di architettura
2008 Meeting: “SEAMED”, established by Department of Engineering of the University of Messina.
2008 Seminar: “Racconti di case” cycle of conference established by prof. Rita Simone within the Department of Architecture of the University of Reggio Calabria, speaking sbout “Livio Vacchini, La casa delle tre donne”, Reggio Calabria
2008 Seminar: “giornata di studio conclusiva del Master YACHT MIND”, Speech with: “Il Centro Stile AICON. Progetto/Costruzione”, Reggio Calabria, Department of Architecture
2008 Meeting: “Composizione,Didattica e Comunicazione nell’architettura” established by prof. Gianfranco Neri, Speech with: “abitare/costruire” , Reggio Calabria
2008 Meeting: “IL SECOLO BREVE. 1908-200, Speech with: “Lo sguardo di Antonello. Architettura e paesaggio nella città di Messina”, Reggio Calabria, Department of Architecture
2008 Exhibition (organisation and participation): “YACHT MIND” about yachting project for AICON, Reggio Calabria, Department of Architecture
2009 Exhibition: “ Città e società del 21°: architetture recenti in Sicilia” established by Villard, “Messina 08_08: Ricostruzioni”, Messina
2009 Meeting: “Marco Mannino.Progetti”, Manifestazione B’ART, Reggio Calabria
2009 Meeting: “Venice convention 2009 –THE FUTURE BOAT & YACHT” organized by prof. F. Grossi della facoltà di ingegneria dell’Università di Trieste, Speech with “Per un design sostenibile” with “Dalla forma aerodinamica –streamlining- alla forma classica”, VEGA, Parco scientifico e tecnologico di Venezia
2009 Seminar: “Giorgio Grassi. Progetti per la città antica”, withinthe University of Reggio Calabria. Title “Il progetto di restauro”
2009 Seminar: “Composizione didattica e comunicazione nell’architettura”, within the Department of Architecture of Reggio Calabria
2009 Organized the conference of Carlo Moccia about “Carattere/Tipo/Costruzione. Esperienze della didattica. University of Reggio Calabria, on 10th December 2009
2010 Exhibition: “ Progetti del Concorso internazionale di idee per la riconfigurazione spaziale della cattedrale del castello Aragonese di Ischia”, Napoli, Sala Dorica, Palazzo Reale
He has been a speaker at numerous conferences and seminars including:
2010 Seminar: “Il Paesaggio come mestiere” and book launch “Giardini, manuale di progettazione” di Franco Zagari. Speech with “il giardino: aspetti immateriali e senso della composizione”, Messina, Sala Visconti
2010 Seminar: “Progetto e tecniche materiali. Esperienze di sperimentazione progettuale/produttiva”. Speech with: “Forma vs Tecnica”, Reggio Calabria, Aula magna
2010 Conference: “Ponteggiando” con Enzo Siviero “. Speech with: “L’architettura dei ponti”, Reggio Calabria, Aula magna
2010 Meeting: “Venice convention 2010 –THE FUTURE BOAT & YACHT” , MARAMBIENTE. TECNOLOGIE INNOVATIVE PER UNA NAUTICA SOSTENIBILE, organized by prof. F. Grossi of the Department of engineering within University of Trieste. Speech with “House yacht. Un nuovo/antico modo di abitare il mare”, Scuola navale F. Morosini, S. Elena, Venezia
2011 Meeting: “Around design”. Speech with: “Il Design: Quali scenari?”, Messina, Palazzo della cultura
2011 Conference: “Architettura e identità”, with Paolo Zermani. Speech with “Un anacronismo necessario. L’architettura del silenzio”, Reggio Calabria
2011 Conference: “Teorie di architettura contemporanea. Percorsi del Postmodernismo”, for the book launch of Paola Gragory. Speech with “Per una Teoria classica”, Reggio Calabria
2011 Conference: Speech during the Workshop “Il territorio oltre lo stretto. Pensare un unico paesaggio_progettare un unico territorio”, in the conference of M. Galantino (theory and project) with “Una bellezza utile, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) Palacultura “Bartolo Cattafi”
2011 Seminar: on the projects of the 4 Architectural Design Laboratories of the Department of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari. Speech with: “modelli abitativi nella Scuola di Bari”, Politecnico of Bari, Department of architecture.
2011 Meeting: “Abitare la natura. Idee per una città possibile”. Speech about: “un nuovo modo di abitare”, Polignano a Mare (BA). Portico biblioteca”
2012 Exhibition: Engraved Architecture – 2nd Edition Participate with the work: “La stanza di Antonello”, Rome, National Institute for Graphics, Palazzo Poli, May-July 2012
2012 Internazional Seminar: “Il Paesaggio dell’archeologia. Tre occasioni per fare città”. He participates as a speaker at the closing works. S.D.S. Architettura di Siracusa, ottobre 2012
2012 It is sent by the order of architects of the Province of Vibo Valentia to the “lectio magistralis” on “Abitare il mare. Tra architettura e design”. Vibo Marina, December 2012
2013 Meeting VIARTIS. sulle rotte Mediterranee. sette cantieri d’arte contemporanea. Pentedattilo_Ecolandia-Scilla. Le opere dei cantieri Creativi. Reggio Calabria. Aula Magna cittadella universitaria, April 2013
2013 Speech during the book launch: “Hervè Brugoux. Architetture in Madagascar” of Laura Marino Reggio Calabria, sala riunioni dArTe, aprile 2013
2013 Speech during the book launch: “Abitare la città – Progetti in fiera” of Antonino Marino Messina, Feltrinelli point, April 2013
2013 Speech during the Seminar “Roma e l’Architettura italiana dagli anni Settanta ad oggi Speech with: “Esiste ancora una Scuola Romana?”. Reggio Calabria, 16 maggio 2013.
2013 Speech during the book launch “moduloquattro architetti” di Maurizio Oddo, speech with: “imprinting siciliano””. Reggio Calabria, 29 May 21013.
2013 Speech during the book launch: abitare la natura – Abitare/Costruire. Messina, Libreria Feltirnelli, 17 June 2013
2013 Speach during the 12 “Seminario del Residence” within the University of Reggio Calabria speech with: “Abitare il mare”. Reggio Calabria, Biblioteca Residence Universitario, 12 uly 2013
2013 Speach during the Architecture WORKSHOP in Messina, Laboratori e Dialoghi, speech with: Dialoghi tematici. Progettare a Messina. Messina, 6 November 2013.
2013 Organize (with Massimo Lauria and Marina Tornatora) the RESEARCH DAY riflessioni_percorsi_strategie, within dArte of the University of Reggio Calabria. Seminario e Mostra. speech with: “Quale futuro per la ricerca?”. Reggio Calabria, 5/6 December 2013
2014 As part of the University Masters “Managment e sviluppo della ricerca sperimentale per la Sostenibilità nel settore delle Costruzioni” he introduces the lesson of prof. Carlo Moccia intervening with the communication: ” L’insostenibile assenza della Forma”. Reggio Calabria, 31 January 2014.
2014 Intervenes at the seminar “Didattica e realtà. Il porto di Ischia, per esempio” for the presentation of the book by Antonello Monaco “Porto non Porto. Progetti didattici per il porto di Ischia “, with the communication: “Progetto e didattica, l’idea topografica, il luogo del porto “. 20 March 2014.
2014 He is invited by the 2/4 architectural design laboratories of the Polytechnic of Bari to intervene with the communication: “Lo sguardo di Antonello: architetura, città e paesaggio dello Stretto di Messina”. Bari, 10 April 2014.
2014 As part of the 10th International Architecture Laboratory in Chiaramonte Gulfi in Sicily, he intervenes with the communication: “Progettare il paesaggio. Case alte a Messina”. Chiaramonte Gulfi, 27 August 2014.
2014 He is invited by the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce to the initiative ” The design date: i designer incontrano le imprese”. On this occasion he intervenes with the communication: ” Chi è il designer. Lavori e prospettive in un territorio difficile”. Reggio Calabria, 19 November 2014
2014 Speech during the Seminar “Il Progetto dell’esistente e il Restauro del Paesaggio. Chiaramonte Gulfi: continuare un mondo”. on15 dicembre 2014, Palazzo Gravina, Napoli
2015 Speech during the Seminar “Genealogia dell’architettura. la scuola di Cefalù”, con M. Panzarella speech about: “I temi di una Scuola”. Reggio Calabria, 16 febbraio 2015.
2015 Meeting: “Architettura e natura”. Speech about “L’insostenibile assenza della forma”, Vibo Valentia, Hotel 501, 30 May 2015
2015 Within the XXV International Seminar of Camerino “Città in trasformazione”, intervenes with the communication: “Piccole città italiane. Chiaramonte Gulfi in Sicilia”. Camerino, Ducal Palace, August 30th 2015.
2015 Interview at the 20th Ischitano Meeting of Mediterranean Architecture. Architecture Over 15: “Architettura Verde”, with the communication:” Progettare il verde: l’insostenibile assenza di forma”. Ischia Island, 2 October 2015.
2015 “Incontri con gli autori”, presentation of the book “Architettura animale. Bestiario ininterrotto di Marcello Sestito” Intervenes with the communication: “Storia e astrazione vs naturalismo e figuratività” Reggio calabria, headquarters PPC architects’ office.
2015 Organizes under the patronage of the Order of Architects PPC of Messina the conference “Sullo spazio pubblico urbano: strategie condivise per una qualità diffusa” Palantonello, Messina, 12 December 2015. Title of the intervention: “Antiche e nuove piazze”
2016 Organizes the study seminar on “architettura e paesaggio nella città di Messina” under the patronage of the ppc Architects Order of Messina, inviting A. Armesto lecturer from ETSA in Barcelona and numerous professors from the University of Palermo, Syracuse, Naples and Bari. 9 January, Church of Santa Maria Alemanna.
2016 “Magna Grecia. Il dialogo antico/nuovo”, (Thesis Atelier coordinated by Giuseppe Arcidiacono) Contributions. University of Reggio Calabria. Title of the intervention: “Antichi Maestri”. 26 February 2016.
2016 Organize (with Antonello Russo) The conference on “luoghi dell’abitare” by Raffaella Neri. University of Reggio Calabria. Title of the intervention: “Coerenza, Tendenza, Stile”.
2016 He is invited to the Seminar “Per una Scuola di Architettura” by Massimo Ferrari and Claudia Tinazzi during the Mantova Architettura event. 16 May 2016, home of Mantegna, Mantova.
2016 He is invited to speak at the School of Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan (by professors Tomaso Monestiroli and Raffaella Neri) on the subject “La costruzione dell’Aula. Edificio, città, paesaggio.” May 10, 2016, Campus Leonardo, Milan
2016 He is invited to the final Jury of Urban Design Laboratories (prof. Federica Visconti) at the University of Naples “Federico II”. 6 July, room SL 4.5 via Forno vecchio, Naples.
2016 Intervenes at the 21st Ischitano Meeting of Mediterranean Architecture. ArchitetturaOltre 16: Interaction of color “, with the communication: “Progettare in bianco e nero”. Ischia Island, September 2016.
2016 Presentation of the book “Lo sguardo di Antonello” at the dICAR department of the Polytechnic of Bari with speeches by L. Ficarelli, M.V. Mininni, C. Moccia.
2016 Intervenes at the lectio of Fernando Espuela “da Piranesi a Supestudio. PhD in Reggio Calabria. Title of the communication: “Abitare il vuoto”.
2016 Intervenes at the Conference “Rischio idrogeologico e sismico: salvaguardia, gestione e recupero del territorio” with the communication: “Grammatiche della forma del territorio”. December 2016, Chamber of Commerce, Messina.
2017 Intervention at the “Messina. Rapporto tra terra e mare. Riflessione tra paesaggio e costruito” Seminar, with the communication: “Il Nuovo Teatro a Messina”. Messina, 10 February 2017
2017 Speakers at the Seminar “Roberto Cremascoli e Nicolò Galeazzi Luogo condiviso”, with the communication: “Scuola portoghese e scuola palermitana”. Reggio Calabria, February 23rd. 2017.
2017 He spoke at the seminar “Abitare il vuoto. La città per isole. Renato Bocchi, la Materia del Vuoto”, with the communication: “Silenzi eloquenti”. Reggio Calabria, 03 March 2017.
2017 Speech at the Seminar “DIALOGHI SULLA CITTA’. Ciclo di incontri e workschop di progettazione architettonica”, with the communication: “Il Limite. Punto di inizio e non di fine delle cose”. University of Basilicata. Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures. Great Hall, 04 April.
2017 Intervenes at the Seminar “STILE LIBERO”, with the communication: “Il Limite. Punto di inizio e non di fine delle cose”. Discussant Bruno Messina. SDS Architettura Syracuse, 11 April.
2017 Intervenes at the Seminar “LIBRI IMPRESTATI”, with the communication: “Lo sguardo di Antonello. architettura e paesaggio nella città di Messina”. Presentation by Emanuele Fidone and Gaetano Scarcella. SDS Architettura Syracuse, 11 April.
2017 Intervenes at the conference “La città metropolitana di Messina. Temi di sviluppo per l’area ionica”, with the communication: “Da necessità a risorsa: prevenzione del rischio idrogeologico come opportunità di ridefinizione del paesaggio”. John Paul II Social Center, Roccalumera, 06 May.
2017 Intervenes at the Seminar “Abitare il vuoto. La città per isole. Paolo Zermani Architetture del silenzio”, with the communication: “L’architetto volpe, l’architetto riccio”. Reggio Calabria, 12 May.
2017 Speaks at the Seminar “Il paesaggio dell’archeologia e la città contemporanea” with the communication: “L’occhio innocente è cieco”. Reggio Calabria, 1 December 2017
2017 He spoke at the inauguration of the “Carlo Moccia. Tra le torri” exhibition with the communication: “una felice contraddizione”. Naples, Gravina Palace. 18 January 2018
2018 He speaks at the seminar “Lo sguardo dell’artista” with the communication: “Lo sguardo di Antonello”, SDS Syracuse, March 28th.
2018 Speech at the ” MAGNA GRECIA. Il dialogo antico/nuovo” seminar with the communication: “Anche gli antichi sono stati moderni”. Reggio Calabria, March 16th.
2018 He speaks at the convention and at the international architecture exhibition “La città Progetti urbani” with the communication entitled: ” La costruzione del limite, saper vedere l’orizzonte “. Padua, Carmeli hall 24-25 May
2018 He spoke at the presentation of the book by F. Visconti “La città, L’insula, La casa. Pompei una ‘moderna’ città antica” with the communication entitled: “horror vacui, amor vacui”, Reggio Calabria, 4 May.
2018 He takes part in the Lectio magistralis “Franco Purini o del comporre”, speaking with the communication entitled: “Spazio. Semplice e Complesso”. Reggio Calabria, 17 May
2018 At the 5th international workshop ” Archeologia, Architettura e Turismo ” as a member of the final jury (with F. Cellini and A. Sciascia), Palazzolo Acreide, September
2018 Participates in the International Seminar “Arquitetura Cidade Paisagem. Lugares do Projeto”, speaking with two lessons entitled: “A Arte de Saber Ver o Horizonte – entre as Torres ” e “: A Arte de Saber Ver o Horizonte – Loggie”, Faculdade de arquitetura de Lisboa, December 2018.
2019 Speaks at the day of study of the “Architettura e costruzione” doctorate of the University of Rome La Sapienza with the communication ” Costruire Emozionare Commuovere”, Great Hall, Piazza Borghese, 24.25 January 2019, Rome.
2017 MANNINO M. Pergola a Casa Lezza, Ischia
2011 MANNINO M. Laboratorio d’architettura -sopraelevazione- in via Bergamo in Messina.
2005 MANNINO M, La Rocca F. Casa Crescenti in Messina
2004 MANNINO M. Edificio per civile abitazione di 8 alloggi in località S. Michele inMessina.
2003 MANNINO M. Padiglione alla Fiera di Genova.
1997 MANNINO M, Pecora G. Edificio per civile abitazione di 8 alloggi in Mili Marina in Messina.
1997 MANNINO M (group leader), Pecora G, Proli L, Calderone S. Palestra per 1100 posti a sedere per le Universiadi. The winning project of the competition announced by the Municipality of Messina in 1995
1994 MANNINO M, Pecora G. Recupero e sistemazione del “giardino dei limoni” in Ganzirri, Messina.
1991 MANNINO M. per civile abitazione di 18 alloggi in via Bergamo in Messina.
1988 MANNINO M, Pecora G. Casa unifamiliare in CasaBianca, Messina.
2018 MANNINO M. Piccolo padiglione a Capri
2016 MANNINO M, La Rocca F. Progetto di Concorso “Scuole Innovative”. Scuola Media in Floridia (Siracusa).
2016 MANNINO M, Moccia C, Russo A. Progetto per l’ex area della Fiera in Genova.
2016 MANNINO M, Marino A, Progetto architettonico ed esecutivo per la ricostruzione dell’edificio del Teatro in Fiera di Messina – customer: Autorità portuale Messina
2015 MANNINO M. Progetto di Concorso per la valorizzazione e riqualificazione ambientale di Ionadi (Vibo Valentia).
2014 MANNINO M (group leader), Marino A. Progetto per il Concorso per la progettazione della nuova sede del consiglio e della giunta regionale del Molise in Campobasso.
2014 MANNINO M. Workshop internazionale L’IdA. Una Torre in Chiaramonte Gulfi.
2013 MANNINO M, Monteleone S. Progetto di concorso. Aterp Vibo Valentia. Fabbricato in via Pietà nel Comune di Pizzo Calabro (VV).
2013 MANNINO M, Raffa P. Wokshop internazionale La città scavata. Progetto per Matera.
2010 MANNINO M, Schröder U, Moccia C. International workshop of architecture and urban design –INTERSECTION. Dalla metro alla metropoli, sette occasioni per fare città, organizzato da: Catania Urbs Clarissima 2010, Fondazione dell’Ordine degli Architetti, P. P. C. della provincia di Catania. Il progetto di un nuovo Parco Urbano.
2009 MANNINO M (group leader), Marino A, Marino L, Caruso D. Concorso internazionale di Progetto di Concorso per la riconfigurazione spaziale della cattedrale del castello Aragonese di Ischia.
2008 MANNINO M (group leader), Marino A. Marino L. Progetto di Concorso di progettazione per la realizzazione della nuova stazione marittima nel Porto grande di Siracusa.
2007 MANNINO M, Marino A (group leader), Marino M, Marino L, De Lapa S, Festa M. Progetto di Concorso per la riqualificazione architettonica del Teatro in Fiera di Messina – I classificato .
2007 MANNINO M (group leader), Caruso D, Fragale F, Giusti V, Marino L. Progetto di Concorso per la riqualificazione architettonica di 4 sagrati per il centro storico di Sulmona. I classificato.
2007 MANNINO M, Piva A (group leader), Piva M, Marino A, Marino. Progetto di concorso preliminare e relazione metodologica per il restauro del portale di ingresso del padiglione centrale e del padiglione delle mostre nel quartiere fieristico di Messina II classificato.
2004 MANNINO M (group leader), Giusti V. Progetto di Concorso per un centro culturale a Misterbianco Catania.
2002 MANNINO M (group leader), Moccia C, Circella M. Concorso per la riqualificazione e arredo di piazza Duomo a Messina Progetto I classificato.
2002 MANNINO M, Mirizzi L (group leader), De santis R, Moccia C, Stanghellini Perilli G (2002). progetto di Concorso per la riqualificazione del lungomare Trieste di Lignano Sabbiadoro Progetto II classificato.
2001 MANNINO M (group leader), Montemurro M. Concorso Europan 6 Inter – città, dinamiche architettoniche e nuove urbanità. Progetto per Quarrata (menzionato).
2000 MANNINO M, La Rocca F. Progetto (e realizzazione) di una casa bifamiliare a Contesse, Messina.
2000 MANNINO M, Pecora G. Progetto di una casa bifamiliare in località Ganzirri, Messina.
1999 MANNINO M (group leader), D’Amato C, Moccia C, Mirenda G, Vitone A. Progetto di Concorso per la riqualificazione dell’area di Capo Peloro a Messina.
1998 MANNINO M, Moccia C (group leader), Martinelli N, Labate L, Defilippis F. Progetto di Concorso per la riqualificazione del centro storico di Rutigliano (Bari) Progetto I classificato.
1998 MANNINO M, D’Amato C (group leader), Burelli AR, Monestiroli A, Moccia C, Purini F. Progetto di Concorso per la riqualificazione fisica e funzionale delle aree adiacenti lo Stadio della Vittoria a Bari I e II fase.
1997 MANNINO M, Pecora G. Complesso residenziale si edilizia convenzionata a Letojuanni, Messina.
1997 MANNINO M. Concorso Europan 5 per il quartiere Antico Corso in Catania
1997 MANNINO M, D’amato C (group leader), Blanco G, Catalano D, Ficarelli L, Montemurro M. Progetto di Concorso per la ridefinizione architettonica di piazza Carlo Maria Carafa a Grammichele.
1997 MANNINO M (group leader), Montemurro M. Progetto per la ristrutturazione della biblioteca centrale della facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli studi di Bari.
1996 MANNINO M (group leader), Ardito V, Ferraro C, Montemurro M. Concorso Europan 4 per l’area di Nesima superiore a Catania Progetto II classificato.
1996 MANNINO M (group leader), Marano M, Montemurro M. Progetto per l’ampliamento della casa di riposo ‘Vittorio Emanuele II’ a Trani -I e II fase-. Menzione speciale della giuria.
1993 MANNINO M, D’Amato C (group leader). Concorso nazionale per il centro storico di Gela: Una via, tre piazze.
1991 MANNINO M. 1° grado del concorso internazionale di progettazione La casa più bella del mondo.
1990 MANNINO M, D’amato C (group leader), Pecora G. 1° grado del concorso internazionale per la progettazione del Nuovo Museo dell’Acropoli” of Atene.
1990 MANNINO M, D’Amato C (group leader), Papini P, Pecora G (1990). 1° grado del concorso nazionale bandito dallo IACP di Bari per la ristrutturazione urbanistica del complesso popolare “Duca degli Abruzzi” al quartiere “Madonnella” in Bari.
1988 MANNINO M, Pecora G. Casa Branca in località Mortelle in Messina.
VALENTINA SANTORO earned her Masters Degree in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Bari in 2008, with a thesis in History of Architecture on the Sanctuary of Aphrodite Pontia et Pandamos in Kos (Greece). Since 2008 she has been involved in various researches of the Polytechnic of Bari, including various international campaigns in the archaeological area of the Mediterranean for the stratigraphic design, the survey and the cataloging of monumental architectural elements, even of particular importance.
After graduating, in 2009 she worked with Professor Giorgio Rocco (Polytechnic of Bari) on the project for the restoration of the Circus of Leptis Magna (Lybia).
Thanks to the post-graduate scholarship (POR Puglia Region 2007-2013 – Axis IV) she deepened the use of innovative technologies applied to the restoration of ancient stone monuments.
In 2015 she obtained the title of Ph.D. at the Polytechnic of Bari (Cycle XXVII – 2014-15), discussing a thesis on “The integration of the ancient monuments. Anastylosis in the Greek area and in Sicily. “(Supervisor: Prof. G. Rocco, Co-tutor: C. Karanassos, S. Gizzi).
From 2016 to 2018 she won a second scholarship, carrying out a research internship in Agrigento for the historical-architectural study of the Ekklesiasterion area and the church of St. Nicola, on behalf of the Archaeological and Landscape Park of the Valley of the Temples.
In the post-doctoral course (2017-2019) she carried out researches on the themes of Cultural Heritage as “Expert in innovative procedures for the integration and restoration of stone monuments”, thanks to the program PhD ITalents promoted by the MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) and the CRUI (Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities). In this occasion, she had the opportunity to validate the theories on stone restoration in the laboratories of the PI.MAR. (Melpignano, Lecce), leader company in the stone extraction and processing field.
As a member of the Research Units on Ancient Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari, she collaborated with Unitelma La Sapienza (coordinator Prof. Rita Sassu), at the research project on the virtual use of the Praetorium of Gortina (Crete), creating the 3D reconstruction of the main monuments of the Site.
Currently she is a Research Fellow in Restoration of Architecture (ICAR 19), at DICAR – Polytechnic University of Bari. She are responsible for a specific research project in ICAR 19, on a topic concerning the Restoration of ancient stone architecture. In fact, Since 2010, DICAR’s research has tested anastylosis and its problems, thanks to the collaboration of specialized companies, including Pi.Mar s.r.l, which was a partner of this experimentation which aims to reproduce elements architectural elaborated thanks to Cad / Cam, a computer assisted technology.
Moreover, her role is to continue to implement the teaching activity with a new interdisciplinary methodology which, from the archaeological excavation, has led, on a scientific and philological basis, to re-propose and rethink the theme of anastylosis, for the enhancement of monuments and of their landescape context.
Her teaching activity has been carried out continuously since 2015, holding teaching support seminary belonging to the ICAR / 18 and ICAR / 19 of the Master’s Degree Course in Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari. In fact, since 2016 as part of the training offer of the DICAR School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage, she has been curator of a post-graduate application training laboratory on the “Themes of anastylosis and use of new methods for the restoration of ancient monuments”, ( with laser scanner 3D, printer 3D and CNC machine). She has been tutor and member of several Master’s Degree Laboratories on issues concerning the main lines of research in the history of ancient architecture and its restoration at the DICAR Department.
Some thesis projects, produced in the context of these workshops, have received important national awards and have been exhibited at the Salone del Restauro in Ferrara (ed. 2017-2018), and finally have also been realized. In 2018, in fact, he directed with Giorgio Rocco (Polytechnic of Bari) the “Project of Anastylosis and restoration of the North Portico of the Roman Temple of Agrigento”, carried out in 2019.
1. Participation in Congresses, Symposiums, Conventions and Seminars
As Keynote Speaker or invited / selected speaker, she has participated in some national and international congresses, symposia, conferences and seminars on architecture, including:
– IX° International Congress “CIRICE 2020, La città palinsesto. The city program”(Napoli, 2020);
– Seminario Internacional Levantamiento del Patrimonio Arquitectónico (Monteira, 2020);
– International Congress “The stone integration and design of ancient monuments” (Salone del Restauro, Ferrara 2017);
– International Congress “L’Antichità nel Regno. Archeologia, Tutela e Restauro nel Mezzogiorno preunitario” (Reggio Calabria, 2017);
– 31° International Congress “Scienza e Beni culturali. METALLI IN ARCHITETTURA. Conoscenza, conservazione e innovazione” (Bressanone 2015);
– Vth Conference “Diagnosis, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (Napoli 2014);
– 1st WORKSHOP on the State of the art and Challenges Of Research Efforts @POLIBA(Tirana, 2014);
– 30° International Congress “Science and Cultural Heritage. What sustainability for Restoration?” (Bressanone 2014);
– 2nd International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering, BCCCE – EPOKA University, (Tirana 2014);
– 29° International Congress “Science and Cultural Heritage. Conservation and Enhancement of Archaeological sites: scientific approaches and method problems” (Bressanone 2013);
– Conference “Il restauro dei monumenti antichi. Problemi strutturali: esperienze e prospettive” (Agrigento 2012).
2. National and International Cultural Heritage Workshops
She has been organizing some seminars for several years, including the Workshop “The stone integration and design of ancient monuments” (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 at Pimar company). As part of the educational offer Department Dicar and the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the Polytechnic of Bari, she organized some workshops on the theme of CNC methodologies applied to monumental and archaeological restoration including some monuments: “Kos. Il Ginnasio” (Supervisor: G. Rocco); “Agrigento. Il complesso del cd. Foro Romano” (Supervisor: prof. M. Livadiotti); “Kos. La via Colonnata. (Supervisor: prof. M. Livadiotti); “Grecia. Il Teatro di Mitilene (Lesbo), (Supervisor: prof. G.Rocco).
3. Organization and editing of National and International Cultural Heritage exhibitions:
She has been co-organizing some National and International exhibitions or sections of exhibitions , including: “The Italian Presence in Albania”, organized by the Department Dicar and the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the Polytechnic of Bari, in collaboration with the Special Superintendence for the Colosseum, the National Roman Museum and the Archaeological Area of Rome and the Center for Studies for the History of Architecture (CSSAR) 19 March to 15 May 2016; “XXV edition of Salone Internazionale del Restauro, dei Musei e delle Imprese Culturali”, from 21st to 23rd March 2018 in Ferrara. In the Pimar Art – Poliba stand, among the interventions in the archaeological field, she presented some project models she made: the anastylosis of the Roman Temple at the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento and a model of a “Roman colonnaded road” in the city of Kos, Greece.
GIUSEPPE TUPPUTI graduated in Architecture in 2015, discussing a thesis titled “San Nicola di Tremiti | The project as a restoration of the landscape and interpretation of the ancient forms” (supervisor: Prof. Arch. Carlo Moccia).
In 2019 he earned the title of PhD in “Architecture: Innovation and Heritage”, within the doctoral school “Archinauti” – composed by the University Roma Tre and the dICAR Department of Polythecnic University of Bari – discussing a thesis titled “Urban design and physical geography. The relationship with landforms in Saverio Muratori and Agostino Renna’s thinking and practices” (supervisor: prof. C. Moccia, co-relatore: prof.ssa Anna Bruna Menghini).
As a postdoctoral fellow he carried out a research activity
His teaching activity as tutor and/or teaching assistant has been carried out continuously since 2015, participating in teaching courses belonging to the ICAR/14 SSD in the Architectural Design Studios of the Master Degree Program in Architecture of Polytechnic University of Bari, of University of Naples “Federico II” (DiARCH – Department of Architecture) and of UNIBAS – University of Basilicata (DCEM – Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures), in Matera.
Currently he is a teaching assistant of the following courses: “Architectural Design Studio IV” (prof. Carlo Moccia); “Theory of Architecture” (proff. Carlo Moccia, Antonio Nitti) at the Master Degree Program in Architecture of Polytechnic University of Bari.
1. Participation in Congresses, Symposiums, Conventions and Seminars
As invited/selected speaker, he took part in several national and international architecture congresses, symposiums, conventions and seminars, including: “Au tournant de l’expérience. Interroger ce qui se construit, partager ce qui nous arrive” (Paris, 2016); “EAAE/AEC 2016_ 10th International Conference on Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges” (Lisbon, 2016); “DR_SOM Cork (Design Research Series on Method) _ Model as Medium and Method. On architectural research questions, and how models can address them” (Cork-IE, 2016); “Ca2Re Conference for Artistic and Architectural (Doctoral) Research” (KU Leuven, Ghent-BD + Ljubljana-SI, 2017); “The Importance of Place” (Sarajevo, 2017); “Crisi e rinascita delle città/Crisis and rebirth of cities” (Napoli, 2017); “[CO]HABITATION TACTIS_ Imagining future spaces in architecture, city and landscape” (Tirana, 2018); “Reading Building Spaces. Cities in the making and future urban form” (Bari, 2018); “Giancarlo De Carlo at 100. Nuove prospettive di ricerca” (Roma, 2019); “Il progetto di architettura come intersezione dei saperi. Per una nozione rinnovata di Patrimonio” (Napoli, 2019).
2. Conferences and lectures at Italian and foreign universities
As academic researcher, he participated, co-organized conferences and held ex cathedra lectures, including: “Settlement models for the recovery of the ‘city of unauthorized building’ and ‘coastal informal landscapes’” (Poliba, 2020); “The metaphors of the Earth: between geographical descriptions and urban project” (Poliba, 2020); “The model as synecdoche. Critical readings of exemplary works” (Poliba, 2019); “Urban design and physical geography. The relationship with landforms in Saverio Muratori and Agostino Renna’s thinking and practices” (Poliba, 2018); “The space of the hall in Modernism. Types, characters and forms of construction” (Poliba, 2017); “Building and living in an ancient country: the post-earthquake reconstruction of architecture, cities and territories” (UNIBAS Matera, 2016).
3. National and International Architecture Workshops
He co-organized and participated as tutor in several national and international architecture workshops, including: “Expo dopo Expo. Scuole di architettura italiane per Milano” (Milano, 2016); “Pol_IBA-Italo-Balkan Architecture”, 1st and 2nd editions (Bari, 2016, 2018); Re-Think Latiano_ Progetti di rigenerazione del paesaggio urbano (Latiano, 2017); “Visioni per Berlino City West” (Berlin, 2020).
4. Participation, organization and editing of national and international architecture exhibitions
He organized and curated some national and international architecture exhibitions or sections of exhibitions, including: “The Memorial ossuary of the Slavs in Barletta: the Yugoslav past between architecture and memory” (Belgrade, 2018); ” The model as synecdoche. Critical readings of exemplary works” (Bari, 2020).
With his projects or with projects elaborated in the academic context, he took part in several national and international architecture exhibitions, including: “European Architectural Medals. Best diploma projects _ EAM BDP 2015” (traveling exhibition inaugurated in Bucharest, which traveled among different universities in Europe between 2016 and 2017) “Expo dopo Expo. Scuole di architettura italiane per Milano” (Milano, 2016); “30 <30_ Salon des Refusès. Architectural Drawings” (Tulpenmanie gallery, Milan, Fuorisalone 2016); “Premio Federico Maggia, edizione 2019, Visioni e cambiamento. Giovani progettisti fabbricano idee” (Biella, 2019-2020).
As a member of local research units, he participated in some Department researches, funded by the Research Funds of Polytechnic University of Bari, including: “Innovative forms and techniques for contemporary living” (FRA 2006, coordinator Prof. V. Ardito); “New dimensions of the contemporary city and forms of sustainable agriculture in peri-urban areas between city and countryside” (FRA 2012, coordinator Prof. N. Martinelli).
His project research, especially geared towards the issues of urban design, was conducted mainly through participation in architectural competitions. He is the author of winning projects (the Architecture Award Federico Maggia 2019 “Visioni e cambiamento. Giovani progettisti fabbricano idee”, with the project “GRAVITAZIONI | di-stanze di pietra”, 2019; the UAUIM Prize for Artistic Quality for the EAM BDP 2015 – European Architectural Medals for the Best Diploma Projects, Bucarest, 2016), mentioned projects (the project “(In)Curve” for the International Concept and Design Competition in Architecture “Oporto Coworking Space”, Oporto, 2015; the project “Metrocube” for the International Concept and Design Competition in Architecture “Start Metronapoli”: a project for the Montesanto metro station, Naples, 2012) and selected projects (the project for the International Competition Tirana Student City | New Qyteti Studenti, with (dp)a studio, Tirana, 2015; the project “In the shelter of the books” for the International Architectural Design Competition for the new Lorenteggio library, Milan, 2018). These projects are published in catalogs of the competition and architectural exhibitions and in national and international architectural magazines.
LUCA TOMMASI is an architect and architecture graduate. He gained his master diploma with honors in 2016 at the Architecture Faculty in the Polytechnic of Bari, discussing a thesis about morphological analysis of the city of Maastricht and Aachen with a project on the latter.
From November 2018 he’s a PhD student within the “Design for Heritage: Knowledge and Innovation” course of the Polytechnic University of Bari, and his scholarship belongs to the European program of Research and Innovation (PON-RI) 2014-2020. The research focuses on the renovation of the public city, and studies the different methodology to approach the design of those part of the city built by public programs, from a morphological and a typological point of view, analyzing dwellings and public/civic spaces. Within the PON-RI program, the research has a larger framework, with the collaboration of the CERSET, an agency which focus its research on construction and landscape, and the Technology University of Eindhoven, within the Rational Architecture research group tutored by Christian Rapp.
Besides being author of different scientific articles and essays on the renovation of the modern city, its analysis and designs within it, Luca Tommasi is, from 2016, assistant and lecturer of the design courses and has tutored, both in at Architecture Faculty in Bari and at the TU of Eindhoven, different groups of master thesis and design courses students. His works are represented and edited by international galleries specialized in architectural drawings.
DOMENICO CRISTOFALO (1992, Bari) architect – graduated with honors at the DICAR in Politecnico di Bari (2018). During academic years he earned an Erasmus+ grant for studying (PoliBa, 2015) and for traineeship (IUAV, 2017). He trained for a year at the ETSAM Madrid with José Ignacio Linazasoro. He earned a postgraduate research grant (DICAR, 2018/19) about the topic of re-shaping the Public City. He is currently PhD student and researches on urban design composition techniques.
In 2016 he worked at the Linazasoro&Sánchez office in Madrid. Among other works: the restorative adjustment of the Ruines of the Cerrillo de los Moros castle in Navas del Rey – Madrid and the project Roma quanta fuit ruina docet for the International competition “Via dei Fori Imperiali” (with B. Messina and E. Fidone).
In 2017 he collaborated with the Uwe Schröder Architekt office in Bonn. He took part in the works for the International urban design competition (with C. Moccia and W. V. der Bergh) An ideography for the Linkeroever in Antwerp (I prize) and the enlargement for the West wing of the Akademischen Kunstmuseums in Bonn.
Since 2015 he has been working with Carlo Moccia at his studio in Mola di Bari. Among other works: the project for the “Blueprint Competition” in Genoa with M. Mannino (2016), the project of houses in the park in Mola di Bari (2018) and the project of a podium in the park in Capri (2019). He has been teaching assistant at the SDS Siracusa during the international Workshop “Cinque progetti per il Lungomare di Levante” (2018). His project for Clunia Sulpicia – ES won the I prize at the X Biennial AR&PA in Valladolid (2016). He has taken part in several international exhibitions: a. With Honors (Madrid, 2015), 30 <30 – Salone del Mobile (Milan, 2016), 15th Architecture Biennale (Venice, 2016), X Bienal de la Restauración y Gestión del Patrimonio AR&PA (Valladolid, 2017), Festival van de architectuur (Antwerp, 2017-18). Among other published essays “Densifing the City” (LetteraVentidue, Syracuse 2019)
CARLO MOCCIA (Rutigliano 1956), studied and graduated with praise to the Faculty of Architecture in Pescara, where he has been student of the “Composition Group” (teachers: G. Grassi, A. Monestiroli, A. Renna). After the degree he completed the apprenticeship collaborating with Antonio Monestiroli.
Since 1994 he develops research and didactic activities in the Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic of Bari. In 1995 he is Structured Researcher in Architectural and Urban Design at the Polytechnic of Bari. Since 2003 he is Associated Professor of Architectural and Urban Design in the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari. He has achieved National Scientific qualification as full Professor.
From 2015 it is Coordinator of the course of magistral degree in Architecture of the Polytechnic in Bari.
From 2003 to 2009, he teaches Architectural Design in the Laboratory 3 of Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari; since 2009 he teaches Urban Design in the Laboratory 4 of Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari. In the academic year 2014/15 he teaches Architectural Design in the Laboratory 2 of Architectural Design at the Major in Architecture and Construction at the Polytechnic of Milano. He has been Supervisor in more than eighty degrees in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Bari. The didactic works and researches have been exposed in several architectural exhibitions (among them: Verona 2009, Verona 2010, Polignano a Mare 2011, Salonicco 2012, Camerino 2015, Valenzano 2015).
From 1999 to 2011, he has been professor at the Phd in “Architectural and landscape Design for the Mediterranean Countries” – Polytechnic of Bari. Since 2011 he has been professor at the Phd in “Civil Engineering and Architecture” – Polytechnic of Bari. In 2013 he is member of the Committee of the Phd “Architecture and Heritage” founded at the University of Rome Tre.
He held several conferences and lectures in the Italian Faculties of Architecture of Milano, Venezia, Roma Tre, Napoli, Firenze, Pescara, Alghero, Aversa, Matera, Reggio Calabria, Torino, Mantova e Siracusa.
Intense and constant it is the participation to seminars and national and international conferences. He has been invited as chairman to the Festival of the Architecture in Parma in 2011 and in the 2012. In 2014 he has been invited as chairman to the MIARCH in Milan. In 2015 he has been invited as chairman to the seminar “Mantua Architecture”. In 2011/2013/2014/2015 he has been invited as chairman to the conferences “Identity of the Italian architecture” in Florence. Very important the initiatives that have seen him compared with meaningful exponents of the contemporary German architectural culture:
in 2012 he is invited to the exhibition “Nuova Architettura Razionale/Neue Rationale Architektur Italia/Germania”, in the 2012 he is invited Teacher at the Workshop “Via Sacra” promoted by the Biennal of Cologne, in Cologne, in 2014 the invitation to the Seminar “Die Provokation des Realen. Neuer Realismus und Rationalismus. Eine Deutsch-Italienische debate in Architektur und Philosophie” at Villa Vigoni-Deutsch/Italienisches Zentrum, in 2015 the invitation to the Symposium “The Reality of the City” promoted by TU Eindhoven and Polytechnic of Turin. In 2015 he has held lectures to the Faculty of Architecture RTWA of Aachen.
In 2010 he has been Invited Teacher to the International Workshop of urban planning “Intersection” in Catania. In 2011 he has been Invited Teacher to the Architectural Seminar “Seven European cities” promoted by the Architectural Festival of Parma. In 2012 he has been Invited Teacher to the International Workshop “Via Sacra” promoted by the Biennial of Cologne, in Cologne. In 2013 he has been Scientific Coordinator and Teacher in the International Workshop of Urban Design: “Re-built the urban Form” promoted by the Intensive Erasmus Program. In 2014 he has been Invited Teacher to the Architectural Design Workshop “The Poet’s house, design the historical heritage” promoted by the Polytechnic of Milan, in Parma. In 2014 he has been Invited Teacher to the “10°LId’A International Architectural Laboratory” promoted by the University of Reggio Calabria, in Chiaramonte Gulfi. In the 2015 he has been Invited Architect to the Design Consultations: “Re_Use of Augusta Power Station” promoted by the University of Palermo and ENEL. In 2015 he is invited teacher to the international seminar “The oikogen quality of the architecture”, organized by the Department of Architecture of the “Federico II University of Naples”.
Since 2012 he is director of the series “Forms and characters of cities and territories”, Aion Editions; since 2012 he is member of the Scientific Committee of the series “Theoria”, Aion Editions; since 2014 he is member of the Scientific Committee of the series “Research in Urban Composition”, Letteraventidue Editions.
Since 2014 he belongs to the Scientific Committee of the series “City and meridian Territories” for the publisher Aion Edizioni. Since 2012 he is member of the Scientific Committee of the International Architectural review “AION”.
He has participated in several researches of Athenaeum, CNR and MIUR, focused on the questions of the “construction” and of the “housing models.” On the theme of theory and didactics of the project, he contributed to the research (CNR): “Architectural Theories and project tools. A first report on architectural theories in Italy 1945-1998”, directed by A. Monestiroli and F. Purini. Since 2014 he is Scientific Director of the Laboratory of Research “Urbanformsgrammars” at the Polytechnic of Bari.
He has developed researches and analytical studies on urban form and landscape. Particularly he studied the “medina” of Islamic cities and Roman-Byzantine cities in North Africa (cfr. “The Medina of Kairouan”, Bari 2006; “The morphological structure of the Medina of Kairouan”, Cartage 2010; “The Medina of Sousse”, Bari 2010). He is studying by now the characters and settlement principles of the “Ksour” in relation with the forms of territory and landscape of the Valleys in Presaharian-Morocco (cfr.”Ksour. City of earth”, Florence 2012).
He is author of about eighty publications and he focused his reflections on theoretical principles of architectural project and on the identity of Italian architectural theory (cfr. “The Sense of the Things”, Florence, 2009; “From where we come, who we are, where we go”, Firenze 2011; “The Reality Utopia”, Santarcangelo di Romagna 2013, “Realism and abstraction”, Firenze 2015), on the relationship between Architecture and City (cfr. “Amor vacui. Places for the city of our time”, Parma 2011; “Urban voids”, Firenze 2012; “Grammars of the form for the city of our time”, Florence 2012; “The forms of the void”, Siracusa 2014, “Cities”, Napoli, in progress of publishing) and on the relationship between Architecture and Construction (cfr. “Forms and characters of the skeleton construction”, Turin 2001; “Mies/Kahn. Atrium-Buildings”, Bari 2002; “The character and the construction”, Rome 2008; “Architecture and Construction”, Firenze 2012).
He is author of eight scientific monographs. The book “Realism and abstraction”, published in Italy by “Aion editions” , translated in Germany with the title “Realismus und Abstraktion”, it is in progress of publication by Wasmuth Verlag Publisher of Berlin. He is author with Uwe Schröder of the monograph “City”, in progress of publication in the series “Research in Urban Composition”, by “Letteraventidue” Edition.
His projects have been exposed in numerous architectural exhibitions, among which: “Il Centro altrove, periferie e nuove centralità” inviting-consultation of the Triennial in Milan (1995); “Disegni di Architettura italiana dal dopoguerra ad oggi”, Scuderie Medicee of Poggio a Caiano (2002); “Small Houses”, Lecce, Reggio Calabria, Bari (2002/3); “Less ideology more geometry”, IX Biennale of Cracovia (2002) “Architetti interpretano la casa di abitazione italiana”, Cittadella (2005); “Laboratorio Italia”, Festival of Architecture in Parma (2005); “City of Stone”, 10° International exhibition of Architecture, Biennial of Venice (2006); “Architetti Italiani a confronto”, Milan, Venice, Vicenza, Ravenna, Bari, (2008); “Dettaglio contemporaneo”, Milan (2009); “Italy now”, Tokyo, Toronto, Vancouver (2011/12); “Nuova Architettura Razionale”, Padua, Venice, Turin (2012); “Senza pericolo”, Triennale di Milano (2013); “Di ogni ordine e grado. Idee di scuola”, Triennale di Milano (2015).
Among architectural contests projects: the project for a “House for elderly people” in Trani, first prize winner; the project for “The urban requalification of Waterfront in Lignano Sabbiadoro”, second prize winner; the project for “A Civic-Center in Nova Huta”, Special Prize winner at the IX Biennial of Cracovia; the project for “The Waterfront in Crotone”, first prize winner at the X Biennial of Venice; the project for “The Cathedral Plaza in Messina”, first prize winner; the project for the area ex Boschetti in Padua, first prize winner. In 2006 he won the “Leone di Pietra” at the 10° International exhibition of Architecture, Biennial of Venice.
His projects are published on books (cfr. “Forme di case”, Melfi 2012; Carlo Moccia. Architetture 2000/2010″, Florence 2012; “Inhabit the contemporary city”, Florence 2014), scientific reviews and exhibition catalogues.
NICOLA LA VITOLA graduated in Architecture in 2018 with honors at the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari, discussing a thesis entitled Lighthouses as interpretative forms of conspicuous coastal Landscape. Since November 2019 he has been a Ph.D. student of the PhD course in “Design for Heritage: Knowledge and Innovation” at Polytechnic University of Bari.
Since 2017 he has taken part in the National Research Network “Cammino dei Fari Italiani”, aimed at the enhancement of the lighthouses, towers and coastal cultural heritage, as well as in national and international activities, seminars and workshops about the theme of proactive research for the project in the places of heritage.
As assistant lecturer in Architectural and Urban Design, he collaborates in the teaching activities of the Architectural and Urban Design Studio of the Master Degree Course in Building Systems Engineering and the Architectural Design Studio 1 of the Master Degree Course in Architecture, both at Polytechnic University of Bari.
He is the author of numerous essays and scientific articles on architecture and heritage enhancement.